Example sentences of "it [modal v] [be] reasonable [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 It might be reasonable to assume that Mr Goodhaven did n't set the trap himself , to persuade me of his innocence , ’ he said , writing ‘ Henry Goodhaven ’ on the list .
2 It might be reasonable to expect that some deficiency in parental relationships — and hence , some in all relationships — might ensue and it certainly is apparent in some cases of sexual relationship dysfunction .
3 No I did n't expect you that you would have the answer to those questions at the level of villages , however I think it might be reasonable to expect that in reaching your view , primarily on environmental grounds , which is the major flank of your argument for suppressing past migration trends .
4 I do not think it would be reasonable to pretend that the cost of paying people , recruiting them and retaining them is the same in the south-east as in other parts of the United Kingdom .
5 However , where exclusion from school is concerned it would be reasonable to suppose that parents are far more likely to question the decision in view of its implications .
6 It would be reasonable to suppose that at this latitude the islands would be frozen in for most — if not all — of the year , and so they would , were it not for the Gulf Stream .
7 IT would be reasonable to suppose that dreams of following Daley Thompson have inspired Anthony Brannen to take up the world record holder 's former mantle as Britain 's leading decathlete .
8 Thus , when a child who calls a stool ‘ chair ’ is corrected and introduced to its more accurate name and subsequently uses the term ‘ stool ’ , it would be reasonable to say that the child had learned a new word .
9 Of the driver it would be reasonable to say that she must have seen them but she has forgotten about the pigeons and just did n't notice the lights and roadworks .
10 In R v Mehmed [ 1963 ] Crim LR 780 where the accused had an air pistol which he produced in another 's private house , it would be reasonable to assume that he must have carried it in a public place to get it there or to take it away .
11 Allowing for a certain amount of exaggeration , it would be reasonable to assume that most of the wealthy landowners and business men would have suffered in this ruthless purge .
12 It would be reasonable to assume that the considerable changes that took place in Britain were a result of these large-scale confiscations .
13 This is somewhat surprising , since it would be reasonable to assume that domain-specific dictionaries would contain the most appropriate collocations for domain-specific documents .
14 If it can be shown that most children recorded as unoccupied in the census also had economically inactive lone mothers then it would be reasonable to assume that the concerns about numerator-denominator bias expressed by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys may be exaggerated .
15 It would be reasonable to assume that such researchers had adopted new research interests , had changed occupations , or had moved to different localities .
16 It would be reasonable to assume that such researchers had adopted new research interests , had changed occupations , or had moved to different localities .
17 Perhaps it would be reasonable to assume that 550 deaths are caused in England , Wales and Scotland every year by drunken driving .
18 Six theses in this category were from Imperial College , and it would be reasonable to suggest that the copies consulted , and subsequently cited by authors other than the thesis authors , were from London University 's main library , where the set of theses for inter-library loan is kept .
19 It would be reasonable to suggest that while word stress was independent of intonation , the placement of tonic stress was a function ( the accentual function ) of intonation .
20 It would be reasonable to expect that the extension and development of community psychiatric services would lead to a reduction in the rate of suicide and attempted suicide , but there is little evidence that this is so .
21 Thus , it would be reasonable to expect that populations with a high mortality rate from coronary heart disease would also exhibit a high mortality rate for colon cancer .
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