Example sentences of "it [be] necessary for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The NFU is well known for representing farmers , and it 's necessary for the BHA to be easily understood as representing the hospitality industry in all its forms , ’ he said .
2 More commonly , however , one party to the original mortgage is to be released or another party added , and in these cases it is necessary for the mortgagee concerned to be a party to the document ( unless separate deeds of release and covenant are executed ) .
3 It is necessary for the researcher to become familiar with a whole neighbourhood , to become aware of the different types of community that formed such a ‘ country ’ and to search the parish registers of neighbouring settlements in ever increasing circles .
4 Sometimes it is necessary for the specialist teacher to be available to help in providing solutions for specific problems that arise in the classroom or more generally in the school because of specific difficulties that the visually handicapped child encounters , for instance , in dealing with visual materials or in taking part in group activities .
5 If you are seeking to create a specialism from within the firm it is necessary for the specialist to understand , have a feel for and , most particularly , want to do personal injury work .
6 Erm I think it 's also now pretty much common ground that the capacity of York city is around three thousand three hundred , but I think in in in taking an view on that , and in taking any view o on future windfalls , it is necessary for the panel to keep in mind that historically in the nineteen eighties windfalls were coming through at a time when it was not a adopted local plan for the city of York , so to some extent anything by definition of a substantial size was likely to be a windfall , erm , but also more to the point than that definitional point , I would expect to see , and I think what Mr Curtis has said earlier on that the local plan is likely to tighten up on criteria for release of sites , both small and large , he referred to the shortage of open space , and I would expect to see a policy change in short , a policy climate change , within the city of York that would constrain past historical rates of windfall release .
7 It is necessary for the nurse not only to be concerned with the outcome of the action but she must understand its origins and the process of carrying it out .
8 If it is necessary for the expatriate couple to learn a new language , the course should provide them with details on where they might go or the steps they should take to achieve this .
9 It is necessary for the respondent to an application to be served with a sealed copy of an application .
10 However , before the International Champion title is awarded , it is necessary for the Rottweiler to pass an obedience and tracking test .
11 The main focus of this chapter is whether these policies are sufficient , or whether it is necessary for the state to have direct control of certain industries through public ownership .
12 Some astronomers think that the more rapidly a body accretes the hotter it gets , and that for the outer Moon to have melted it is necessary for the Moon to have accreted in roughly 0.01 Ma .
13 ‘ In my view , the criterion applied by the court in the B. & Q. judgment , according to which an obstacle to intra-Community trade may not exceed what is necessary for the attainment of the objective pursued , reflects both aspects of the criterion of necessity : the restrictive national legislation is relevant with regard to the objective pursued , since it is necessary for the attainment of that objective and has therefore been enacted with that end in view ; the legislation may not go beyond what is necessary for the attainment of that objective , which implies that a less restrictive alternative is not available .
14 Finally , it is necessary for the standardisation sample to be sufficiently large to provide a fair reflection of the variation to be expected in the population .
15 Just as , however , it is necessary for the sustenance of parliamentary democracy for the majority to allow the minority to be heard , so also it is necessary , at the end of the day , for the government to be allowed to govern .
16 But I do not agree that it is necessary for the Crown Prosecution Service to appear before the court in order to be bound .
17 It is necessary for the efficiency of study , but dangerous in that you may let the ten minutes drift on into the next study period .
18 In order to have a sense of how the different codes are used in interactions , it is necessary for the linguist to be quite clear about which code is being used at a particular time .
19 It is necessary for the plaintiff to establish that the train that caused the damage was the train that failed to sound its whistle .
20 It is necessary for the plaintiff to prove that the defendant 's breach of statutory duty was a cause of his injuries .
21 Where the burrows are located in a bank it is necessary for the gun to stand on the all-round vision requires one gun on each side of it — and each man needs to know exactly where the other man is standing .
22 It is necessary for the theory that they should , for otherwise poisonous prey might just as well be dull as brightly coloured .
23 On the other hand , it is necessary for the applicant for judicial review from the start to give at least as much attention to questions of remedies as to the question of whether the respondent has committed a legal wrong .
24 It is necessary for the doctor and nurses to tactfully discuss this with Mr Reynolds although he finds it embarrassing ( Chapter 3 ) .
25 It is necessary for the painter to make the distinction because unless what he captures on his canvas is what Reid calls ‘ the appearance of objects to the eye ’ the viewer of the painting will not make the right judgements .
26 Next it is necessary for the agent to attend before the Examiners in parliament to satisfy them that the General Orders have been complied with , and this constitutes a heavy responsibility because the effect of non-compliance can be serious .
27 In the seat belt cases the plaintiff 's failure to take precautions for his own safety is regarded as a contributing cause of his injuries , but it is necessary for the defendant to prove that the failure to wear a seat belt was a cause of the injuries .
28 In order to start drawing useful inferences leading to sensible modifications of the material , we should also keep in mind these points : ( a ) the observer must thoroughly understand the curriculum designer 's aims and objectives and report in relation to these ( b ) it is necessary for the observer to understand how the teacher has interpreted these intentions ( c ) the curriculum designer must thoroughly understand the facts that the observer has brought back to him ; the dialogue that this implies can produce valuable suggestions for improving the unit ( d ) teachers of differing style must be observed and teachers at differing levels of acclimatization to the program must be observed to obtain full data ( e ) it is also important for the observer to understand which stage of development the unit has reached .
29 It is necessary for the reader 's initiation into James 's world that he should hold his convictions in suspense , ie he should be aware that more things are hidden than have yet been shown .
30 C , lacking an association with X , will be able to evoke the test response only to the extent that , without any special training , it holds elements in common with A. Now , for acquired distinctiveness to occur , for the generalization between A and C to be reduced , it is necessary for the training procedures to reduce the extent to which these common elements acquire strength .
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