Example sentences of "it [be] difficult [prep] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 've only been to see one game so far this season , so it 's difficult for me to judge , but maybe some of you who 've been more often could speculate ?
2 Well it 's difficult for me to say because I was n't involved with the at that time .
3 Well it 's difficult for me to say .
4 It 's difficult for me to make an honest judgement because …
5 Inevitably at her advanced years , it 's difficult for her to overcome .
6 ‘ I suppose it 's difficult for you to stop acting .
7 I said : ‘ I hope you have learned something from this : it 's difficult for you to judge for yourself ; you must rely on other people ; and , when you think it 's gone wonderfully , it has n't always . ’
8 It 's difficult for you to appreciate that feeling .
9 I 'm sure it 's difficult for you to imagine what my life is like out here but one thing is certain and that is that there are very few people I can talk to .
10 It 's difficult for us to understand why everybody wants to talk about the Russians all the time , ’ says ballerina Fiona Chadwick .
11 It 's difficult for us to get time off to come here ’ , says Justa Quispe , mother of five .
12 And it 's , it 's difficult for us to tell because we do n't have that many regional studies to be able to know exactly what it was that was determining these differences of values .
13 We plumped for crimson and pinks with black , white and silver , and remember that it 's difficult for anyone to avoid using green !
14 After all , it 's difficult for anyone to write a clear account of an incident that is traumatic and embarrassing .
15 Leo Lloyd was monastically devoted to his job — it is difficult for me to realise it was all done in his spare time — … he persuaded me that acting was infinitely fascinating .
16 It is difficult to understand the politics within some controlling bodies without knowing all the details and it is difficult for me to comment .
17 John Reeve , chief executive of Family Assurance which owns around 3 per cent of the bank , said : ‘ It is difficult for me to comment .
18 It is difficult for me to find the limits of the car yet because I am given only a limited number of laps and I do n't know the circuit . ’
19 This is partly because it is difficult for me to write them down but mainly because I do n't have an intuitive feeling for equations .
20 ‘ Unfortunately , it is difficult for him to paint in the house in Leeds because we do n't have the space and we do n't have the light .
21 However , once in the system it is difficult for him to move to higher-paid employment in another industry , for he would also have to find housing elsewhere for himself and his family .
22 This means for the neighbourhood man , the man on the beat , that it is difficult for him to keep a low profile .
23 He argues that bad garages drive out good ones because the typical customer can not judge whether a service has been done properly , and it is difficult for him to check .
24 Equally ( as I have suggested ) it is difficult for her to have a God who is something other than a force ( perhaps a human idea ) present within history .
25 However , with such a large clutch it is difficult for her to maintain all her eggs at exactly the same temperature .
26 Most business people receive so much correspondence that it is difficult for them to deal with all their correspondence immediately on receipt .
27 Consequently accountants are in a highly dependent position compared to most professions ; it is difficult for them to use professionalism as a market strategy .
28 As a result it is difficult for them to make business contacts .
29 It is difficult for them to understand the fear that is being expressed unless they share it themselves , when there will be a mutual clinging .
30 Far from being a luxury or a peripheral activity , music often meets basic needs : ‘ There exist a good many people for whom music is so important that it is difficult for them to conceive of life without it .
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