Example sentences of "it [be] [adv] believed that [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is widely believed that as Down 's Syndrome is a specifically identifiable handicap with which babies are born , the possible change in their intellectual abilities will be either small or non-existent .
2 It is widely believed that if Labour 's national executive had acted on his report in the mid-1970s about the need to root out Militant Tendency from within the party , then the movement would have been saved all the subsequent turmoil in the 1980s , by which time Militant had gained a grip .
3 It is also believed that if a person drowns wearing crotal the body will never be recovered .
4 It was generally believed that if services were made available free to all , then they would be used by everyone who needed them .
5 It was widely believed that if the individual was allowed to follow his own interests , within the law of the land , then general good would result .
6 It was then believed that if a cat crossed your path and did you no harm , you had been incredibly lucky .
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