Example sentences of "it [be] [adv] widely [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 Chairman , if I could just er , erm , some words that are n't included in this pa paper , I understand that the Deregulation Bill is published on the eighteenth erm , and presented to Parliament for the first reading , erm , it 's still far from clear what 's going to be said in it , but erm , it 's still widely expected that in fact , on major contentious issues will in fact be the suggestion that sections of Acts of Parliament will , could be revealed by ministerial order rather than go through the parliamentary process again .
2 It is not widely realised that Germans of all political complexions have identified the fate of their country with that of Europe .
3 It is not widely known that Old FF keeps a diary .
4 For example , it is not widely known that there were turntables at both Bishop 's Castle and Stretford Bridge in the line 's early years , though they seem to have been little used and the railway gained its reputation for unusual working practices right from the start .
5 It is one of the paradoxes of contemporary political thinking that at the same time as much conventional theory has tried to restrict the idea of democracy to that of choosing a government from competing elites , it is also widely admitted that the theoretical sovereignty of these democratic governments is not in fact matched by their actual powers over society , particularly in relation to the vast conglomerate firms and multi-national companies on whose policies and decisions the employment and livelihood of so many millions now depend .
6 It is already widely acknowledged that Germany has been able to augment her political weight , especially in European affairs , by pursuing her interests under the European banner .
7 It is currently widely accepted that regional divergence in living standards within countries is the norm ( Bennett , 1980 , 67 ) .
8 But it is still widely believed that it was a game which was avidly played at Poitiers whenever Marie , her chaplain Andrew , and Chrétien de Troyes came to visit Eleanor .
9 The finding of anaemia at presentation in almost half our patients is worth noting as it is still widely taught that this is an indicator of chronic rather than acute renal failure .
10 It is still widely held that the traditional or conventional nuclear family is the only suitable environment in which children can grow up and that any deviation from this norm puts children at a considerable disadvantage .
11 It is now widely accepted that the thrust of EC farm support must move towards direct payments to farmers .
12 It is now widely accepted that this was the main cause of the rise in population .
13 It is now widely accepted that accounts preparation work can provide a significant measure of audit assurance .
14 However , it is now widely accepted that there are powerful forces of which we are not aware which influence our behaviour .
15 It is now widely accepted that since the era of competitive liberal capitalism , fundamental changes have taken place , particularly as regards the increasingly interventionist role of the state .
16 While it is now widely accepted that an effective solution should rely in major part on a co-ordinated interagency and interprofessional effort ( DHSS , 1988 ) , the possibilities range from those that provide immediate relief ( tertiary prevention ) to long-term strategies designed to change attitudes , values , behaviour and circumstances ( primary prevention ) .
17 It is now widely accepted that such headaches can be precipitated by foods as well as stress , the oral contraceptive Pill , and the build-up to a period .
18 The importance of the family for the prevention of delinquent behaviour was also recognized and it is now widely accepted that the delinquent child and his or her family are in need of the same kind of attention as the deprived child and his or her family .
19 It is now widely accepted that H pylori is one of the most important factors in the pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer disease .
20 It is now widely accepted that the Chairmanship of the Bar is virtually a full time job , and the profession has been fortunate indeed in the people who have been prepared to take on that responsibility and make that commitment .
21 Colin Gunton has recently written , It is now widely accepted that almost all intellectual advance takes place by means of metaphor …
22 In fact it is now widely recognized that some consumption expenditure of this type , in so far as it combats malnutrition , should be considered as equivalent to investment .
23 It is now widely recognized that all such attempts have failed , yet it continues to be assumed that the rational agent has somehow pulled himself up by his bootstraps out of reach of his own spontaneity .
24 It is now widely recognised that the impact of overall EEC farm policy has been to further widen the differential between the advantaged and disadvantaged areas .
25 It is now widely believed that no British government is able to govern without the tacit support of the trade union movement .
26 It is now widely acknowledged that Keynes accepted the classical theory of the demand for labour in the form of marginal productivity theory .
27 It is now widely realised that a comprehensive education for a mentally handicapped child should continue over a longer time than the normal educational period of 5–16 years .
28 It is less widely known that there was a comparable ( although much smaller ) dyeing industry in Ireland based on Nucella lapillus which seems to have been known of as far away as Minehead in Somerset ( Cole , 1685 ) .
29 It was evidently widely felt that its representatives were capable of more or less any form of major misdemeanour .
30 It was also widely believed that he would have become the laibon after his father 's death .
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