Example sentences of "it [be] [adv] true [that] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is doubtless true that at bottom the behaviour of a motor car is to be explained in terms of interactions between fundamental particles .
2 It is probably true that in most online catalogue searching both recall and precision are much lower than that which a good intermediary would obtain in reference retrieval searching .
3 Again , we do not have room to delve into the fascinating area of population changes , but it is clearly true that in the Western world there is an older and ageing population that is radically altering the shape of the population curve .
4 It is also true that in the late 1970s and early 1980s unemployed school-leavers have become a longer-term and therefore more serious problem .
5 Also , given what has been said , that a mental event is wholly within consciousness , it is also true that in speaking of the mental life of people , in a large sense of the term , we are speaking of more than mental events .
6 It is undoubtedly true that without a certain facility with money and with other arithmetical skills , people are handicapped in going about their daily business .
7 It is undoubtedly true that in this period when new political lordships and principalities were replacing the Carolingian empire , and Europe was recovering from external attacks , the church was far more an upholder than a hammer of kings and other rulers .
8 It is very true that in one sense it must be implied that although there is no existing difference , still that a difference may arise between the parties : yet I think the distinction between an existing difference and one which may arise is a material one , and one which has properly been relied on in this case …
9 It is certainly true that during the course of this century professionals have increasingly become employees , rather than being employers or the self-employed .
10 It is certainly true that for a few crucial generations in the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries , the influence of Spanish Jesuits on the never-very-alert minds of the Habsburg emperors was decisive .
11 To answer the initial question first , it is certainly true that for ascriptive adjectives at least , with adjective and noun held constant , alternation between qualification and assignment can produce no difference in either the entity identified or the pattern of assignment of properties .
12 It is certainly true that at the time of the Butler Education Act the school curriculum was not much discussed in public , although certain assumptions about its content were in fact incorporated in the Act .
13 It used to be thought that the Revolution assured regular Parliaments , and it is certainly true that since 1689 there has not been one year without the meeting of Parliament .
14 But it is certainly true that in the last sixty years the various schools and academies of acting have had a significant effect on the climate of acting .
15 It is certainly true that in many cases warts will regress and even disappear without any treatment , but it is unclear why this should happen and there is no way of predicting which sufferers will be able to rid themselves of the warts or how to stimulate the body 's defence to that end .
16 It is certainly true that in Western Ireland today you will hear those who say that in his teens William Joyce was a traitor who betrayed his own people to the Black and Tans . ’
17 In Malesia , they seem to have made use of the limestone caves for shelter and may well have forced the orang-utans of the region to live further up in the canopy , for it is certainly true that in the Pleistocene , the orang-utans were much more terrestrial in habit .
18 It is indeed true that in word-pairs the B-word is often less frequently attested , more poetic , more esoteric than the A word .
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