Example sentences of "to the task [prep] [v-ing] a " in BNC.

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1 Hayek wishes to do so because he is not simply a traditionalist and is seeking to harness his insights to the task of providing a modern , rational reconstruction of liberalism .
2 Now that we have the outline of an approach to the study of the meanings of words , we can turn our attention to the task of providing a more exact characterisation of the linguistic units which will form the objects of our study .
3 Thus one of the main considerations of the research will be to make some contribution to the task of developing a more sophisticated literary sociology .
4 Mike Gatting will probably get the job this winter , but I doubt if either he or the two younger contenders , Mike Atherton and Alex Stewart , are quite up to the task of masterminding a major English renaissance .
5 British films are too rarely good , not because of national character , but because of a production system that is inadequate to the task of generating a regular output of full-blooded films .
6 The urgency which mainstream critics applied to the task of denouncing A Very British Coup was no doubt fuelled by the fact that the film was screened as a three-week serial , hence reviewers were in the unusual position ( for TV critics ) of being able to influence readers as to whether they would watch future episodes .
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