Example sentences of "to the [adj] court of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After a two-day hearing in the Dublin High Court , Miss Justice Carroll referred the matter to the European Court of Justice .
2 In theory , investment firms and insurers which , after January 1st 1993 , feel that EC legislation discriminates against them , might take the commission or the Council of Ministers ( or both ) to the European Court of Justice for creating conditions of unfair competition .
3 The Commissioner said that unless ministers relented , the issue might have to be resolved by an appeal to the European Court of Justice .
4 ‘ I plan to appeal the decision and if necessary take the case to the European Court of Justice , ’ Parsons says , ‘ It is a moral issue : ECT 's mode of action depends on the damage it causes to the brain . ’
5 The Court of First Instance has been created to deal with the increased number of appeals to the European Court of justice from decisions taken by the Commission in the field of competition and a limited number of other areas , and in particular staff disputes within the Community Institutions .
6 The Treaty of Rome has given the Commission the power to take member states to the European Court of Justice for not implementing directives within the required timetable .
7 In the UK this problem has also occurred in the celebrated series of Factortame cases referred by the English courts to the European Court of Justice .
8 The shareholders applied for judicial review of the decision and the Court had ordered a reference to the European Court of Justice for a ruling on the proper construction of Art 15 of Council Directive 79/279/EEC .
9 The Publishers Association , which had promoted the agreement , then applied to the European Court of Justice for annulment of the Commission 's decision ( see Publishers Association v Commission of the European Communities , The Times , 7 November 1992 ) .
10 The High Court referred the application to the European Court of Justice , which found that the differences were permissible in terms of EC law .
11 The letter even speaks of their ‘ rights in the matter ’ , and it is perhaps surprising that the question was not asked whether there was a case for complaint to the European Court of Justice .
12 WOMEN factory workers fighting for equal pension rights had their case referred to the European Court of Justice yesterday .
13 Sex discrimination in employment is a matter dealt with by European law , and the tribunal referred a number of questions to the European Court of Justice which held , inter alia , that the Order in Council under which the certificate was issued was inconsistent with a requirement of EC law that the right of men and women to equal treatment recognized by EC law should be effectively protected by national legal systems .
14 There will then be another round of letters , known as ‘ reasoned opinions ’ , after which , if no deal is struck , the matter could have to go to the European Court of Justice .
15 The court found that the authority was an emanation of the state and referred to the European Court of Justice the questions of whether the dismissal of the applicant after reaching normal retirement age for a woman constituted discrimination prohibited by Council Directive ( 76/207/EEC ) and whether the applicant could rely on the directive in national courts notwithstanding any inconsistency between it and s. 6(4) of the Act of 1975 .
16 This is because the raising of such a defence may involve the necessity of a reference to the European Court of Justice under article 177 of the Treaty .
17 It was the submission of the appellant , B. & Q. , that your Lordships were bound to refer the matter to the European Court of Justice , whereas the respondent councils submitted that , following the Conforama and Marchandise decisions , the conclusion reached by Hoffmann J. could not possibly be disturbed so that no reference was required .
18 Since the point has now been referred by your Lordships ' House to the European Court of Justice in that case , I am most reluctant to become involved in any discussion upon it .
19 It is enough for me to say that , on the basis of those two cases , the arguments of the two councils in the Stoke-on-Trent case struck your Lordships as being very powerful , but not sufficiently powerful to persuade your Lordships ' House that it need not refer the matter to the European Court of Justice under article 177 .
20 It was suggested by Wickes that this was an appropriate case for a reference to the European Court of Justice on the issue raised by the decision of the Court of Appeal that Community law required an undertaking in damages .
21 The Commission has not so far brought the matter to the European Court of Justice .
22 These were two of the points made in the opinion delivered at the end of April by the Advocate General to the European Court of Justice in relation to four test cases to clarify an earlier ECJ watershed case on equal pension rights , Barber v Guardian Royal Exchange , which found on 17 May 1990 that Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome on equal pay applied to pension benefits .
23 Miss Marshall complained of unlawful sex discrimination and her case went to the European Court of Justice where it was decided that she had been the subject of such unlawful discrimination .
24 The House of Lords has concluded that our Sunday trading laws are unclear and has therefore referred them to the European Court of Justice to clarify whether they are compatible with European law .
25 Accordingly , the House of Lords referred the issues to the European Court of Justice so that the House of Lords could answer that question .
26 The various lawyers acting for the pressure groups that advocate the law breaking are saying that the Shops Act 1950 is not extant and that the referral to the European Court of Justice implies that the 1950
27 I remind Labour Members that that article , which was signed in 1972 , was referred by another place to the European Court of Justice , and that question of compatibility must be resolved .
28 The UK ambassador in Paris lodged protests with the French government on Sept. 7 and the UK Attorney General , Sir Patrick Mayhew , warned on Sept. 10 that the UK might take France to the European Court of Justice if attacks on lorries continued .
29 It was fought all the way to the European Court of Justice , which decided in his favour .
30 Firms then have the right of appeal to the European Court of First Instance , and ultimately to the European Court of Justice .
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