Example sentences of "to [adj] parts of [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That term did n't last long , though , and ‘ Plate Tectonics ’ really came into being when scientists all over the world , such as Isacks , Oliver , Sykes , Le Pichon and Morgan ( to name but a few ) , began to apply the new way of thinking to specific parts of the globe .
2 The pituitary gland is one of the endocrine glands also known as ductless glands , since the materials which they produce pass directly into the bloodstream rather than being channelled to specific parts of the body .
3 There are other , more immediate , ways in which genes may be copied to widely distributed parts of the chromosomes , like files being duplicated to different parts of a disc , or different discs .
4 One solution , widely endorsed , is to break down psychological processes into putative substages and assign these to different parts of the brain ( Dean 1982 ; Luria 1973 ) .
5 I am very pleased that , in so far as it is possible , we have been able , through the usual channels , to accommodate the wishes of the Opposition on the allocation of time to different parts of the Bill .
6 Board of conference , every year for two , two days conference , and we go to different parts of the country , Aberdeen , Dundee , Glasgow , Stirling , you name it , we have conference in .
7 I do n't know , erm but he sometimes goes abroad with it I think , but he , he goes to different parts of the country and Judith goes with him .
8 In Northamptonshire and Warwickshire , the separate hamlet names are often not evident , but the suffix -end may be added to different parts of the village .
9 This involves determination of the appropriate amount of resources to be distributed to different parts of the organisation .
10 An advanced ferrofluid could also find applications ranging from medicine ( perhaps to guide drugs to different parts of the body ) to mechanics ( for instance , as a leak-free sealing compound ) .
11 Our most up to date probing of Intel Corp 's P5 or Pentium architecture — given that the company is sending different messages to different parts of the industry — has the processor running at only two thirds of its promised speed and needing both a heat sink and fan to dissipate the heat it is producing .
12 I like to think that one can make provision to eat almost anywhere in the home , just as one should be able to move small tables about to different parts of the garden It is obviously nice to be able to eat in the kitchen or in the living room .
13 Then go to different parts of the room to check whether you can see and hear clearly everywhere .
14 Remember that a gene is just a length of coded symbols , like a file on a computer disc ; and genes can be copied to different parts of the chromosomes , just as files can be copied to different parts of the disc .
15 For Pearce , with his strong belief in personal contacts , that has meant a lot of travel to different parts of the world .
16 A short half-landing gave on to passageways to different parts of the house .
17 By working the pecs from different angles it is possible to direct the work-load to different parts of the muscle .
18 In practice a combination of teaching methods and media can be expected to provide the best basis for programmes of library user education , different methods being adapted to different parts of the programme and to the teachers and students concerned .
19 Practice SAS by working out how to get to different parts of the town .
20 They diverged to different parts of an ancestor 's chromosomes , and we have each inherited them on our different chromosomes .
21 There is a simplicity in plainsong or Taizé chants , for example , which is well suited to certain seasons of the year and to some parts of a service .
22 ‘ Obviously the message has not got through to some parts of the organisation . ’
23 Of course there is strong opposition to some parts of the Bill , to which many of my hon. Friends have drawn the attention of the Minister , but it also has to be said that , perhaps unusually for Government legislation , there is a large part of the Bill on which there is a wide measure of agreement .
24 Although the practical work is closely related to some parts of the theory , there is a discrete set of lectures on the subject .
25 We perceive what is ‘ out there ’ or what is ‘ around us ’ as a result of the transfer of energy from objects or events to specialized parts of the body known collectively as ‘ the sensory system ’ .
26 This could lead to prosecution of people who illicitly use passwords and codes to get access to forbidden parts of a system .
27 But Zimbabwe 's example , together with the hope that new seeds might make a difference to humid parts of the continent in the first half of the 1990s ( and to the Sahel in the second half of the decade ) , at least give us something to work for .
28 The costs relate to undamaged parts of the home .
29 It would cut off electricity supplies to large parts of the South and cause flooding of polluted rivers and creeks which would then contaminate the entire region .
30 After Agricola 's recall to Rome , the will to hold on to large parts of the north seems to have ebbed .
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