Example sentences of "in a [adj] black [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As Creggan soared upwards he found himself lost in a swirling black wind in which were scattered moving lights , swaying trees and strange sounds he had never heard before .
2 He took Kelly by the arm to where a man in dark robes was in earnest conversation with a girl in a skimpy black T-shirt with ‘ BIMBO POWER ’ scrawled in white across her chest .
3 At the far end of the chamber is a coffin on a heavy table , and seated beside it a woman in a low-cut black dress with red silk edging .
4 Among all these grand people , I see a small woman in a figure-hugging black number with fringes .
5 JOHN SAVAGE , an American actor whose roles include a white man living in a rough black neighbourhood in Spike Lee 's Do the Right Thing , was attacked in Soweto last week .
6 He was a tall , thin man of indeterminate age with hairless grey skin and dressed in a long black robe without ornament save for a small silver fork with twisted tines which hung on a piece of string round his neck , and rested on the black breast of the robe .
7 My name and address were printed in a bold black type on a plain white envelope .
8 Nell wandered about looking slightly less starchy in a fuller-cut black skirt with her tailored white silk blouse , telling me in passing that Cumber and Rose wanted to give a similar party at Chateau Lake Louise .
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