Example sentences of "in a series of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Despite a worldwide protest campaign , the first in a series of shipments of plutonium from Europe to Japan to supply the local nuclear-power industry is going ahead .
2 In a series of studies with synthetic DNA fragments Chen has shown that actinomycin dissociates very slowly from TGCA in the sequence ATATGCATAT ( ) , about four times slower than from similar decamers containing AGCT and CGCG sequences and over 100 times slower than from GGCC [ 17 ] .
3 In a series of studies in the late 1970s and early 1980s , Robinson and Robinson ( e.g. , 1983 ) drew attention to the critical connection between the message and the listener 's perception of it .
4 In a series of talks in New York on June 18-23 the UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and representatives of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council met separately with the President of Cyprus Georgios Vassiliou and with the president of the self-proclaimed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus , Rauf Denktash .
5 Given this background , the minister of posts , telecommunications and space , Paul Quiles , was treading on eggshells when he met the unions this week for the second in a series of talks concerning the reform of the country 's post office , the PTT .
6 The explosion was the latest in a series of accidents at Hoechst plants , and Environment Minister Klaus Töpfer called for tougher application of safety controls enforced by the state inspectorate .
7 ‘ American Art in the Twentieth Century ’ is the fourth in a series of reassessments of national schools and follows Rosenthal 's presentations of German , British and Italian art .
8 The deal , which was designed to reduce inflation , was the latest in a series of accords between the ALP government and the trade union movement .
9 The action was the latest in a series of attempts by sections of the military to unseat the transitional government appointed by the national conference in August [ see pp. 38379 ; 38518-19 ; 38562 ] .
10 It is , of course , possible to schedule a campaign in a series of bursts through the year , if the cash is available , and major bursts can be interspersed with minor ones — or the gap between TV bursts can be filled by using print media in the intervals .
11 Detailed breakdown on wealth figures in Australia are set out in a series of tables in Australian Society include comparative figures for 1984 and 1986 where the total wealth of the richest 118 has increased by 250 per cent — over A$5,000 million — at a time when the total wealth has increased by 20 per cent .
12 The originator of this research was the maverick James McConnell , at Ann Arbor , Michigan , who in a series of papers during the 1960s , first in conventional scientific journals and then in his own publication , the exotically named Worm-Runners Digest , reported experiments in which flatworms , trained by pairing light with electric shock , were chopped up and other , ‘ naïve ’ ( that is , untrained ) worms allowed to cannibalize them .
13 My original concern with these problems was expressed in a series of papers on African and Asian weaver birds culminating in a monograph in 1964 .
14 This is the latest in a series of papers on the reaction of children and adolescents to the stress of major disasters ( see Abstracts , BJSW , 19912,21,419–25 ) .
15 The results of his experiments were published in a series of papers in the Annalen over the years 1860–6 , entitled ‘ On a New Class of Organic Compounds in which Hydrogen is Replaced by Nitrogen ’ .
16 Instead , Offa 's direct personal participation in Kentish affairs is revealed in a series of documents across the years 785–9 ( CS 247 : S 123 ; CS 248 : S 125 ; CS 254 : S 128 ; CS 253 : S 129 ; CS 257 : S 130 ; CS 244 : S 131 ) , and in 792 it was Offa who confirmed the immunities from secular obligations of Kentish churches ( CS 848 : S 134 ) .
17 According to The Daily Telegraph , that was the latest in a series of incidents in which children were inadvertently taken by car thieves .
18 A BRAVE girl 's fight against heart disease is to be featured in a series of programmes on the BBC 's Tomorrow 's World , starting tonight .
19 In another family , where the inheritance from the father was quite substantial , funds for the brothers and sisters were tied up in a trust which was administered by their mother , and this appeared to result in a series of squabbles about whether each of them was getting their fair share in comparison with the others ( p. 376 ) .
20 This is the latest in a series of conflicts over the Baltic environment , including an escape of effluent from the chemicals complex on the river Dvina which poisoned large numbers of fish .
21 The drive to increase productivity resulted in a series of conflicts with the unions as Sir Michael sought the right to manage .
22 The textbase STATLT holding the statutes for England has been developed and refined in a series of projects since 1980 and at the start of the project described here already provided a very detailed definition of the data structure [ 1 ] , full text-searching facilities , symbolic addressing in the manner of Figure 2 and a multi-valued attribute marg-note-xref in each text unit to record cross-references made to other parts of the text [ 23 ] .
23 Talking of reruns Madam er deputy speaker , er I almost feel I 'm involved in a series of reruns with the er with the minister himself because er in a series of bills er committees in the eighties , standing committees on the building societies bill , on the banking bill , on the financial services er bill , as they all were , er he was speaking at that time er in favour of more effective regulation , backing the votes of this side er for kind , the kind of policies it 's introducing today .
24 This is one in a series of leaflets about the Poll Tax written for people in Oxford .
25 Hardy 's most eloquent defence of Jude the Obscure is to be found in a series of letters to his friend Edmund Gosse , who had reviewed the novel in St. James 's Gazette on 8 May 1895 .
26 Welcome back : In a few minutes , the first in a series of reports on the future of transport in Britain .
27 In a series of reports as a result of inquiries in the different parts of the United Kingdom in the late 1960s and 1970s , local government was extensively reorganised .
28 The General Management Programme also offers a valuable opportunity to gain formal qualifications — members can progress in a series of stages towards the Diploma in Management and the Henley MBA .
29 Offers of funds sourced in America at interest rates of 8 p.c. fixed for 15 years are the latest in a series of schemes around the country to have attracted brokers seeking capital for their clients .
30 A MAN was involved in a series of robberies on Merseyside , including an armed bank raid in which guns were fired , it was alleged yesterday .
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