Example sentences of "of [art] [noun sg] of words [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Another ethical aspect of the passage of words into pictures is that of filming permissions .
2 The panoply of scholarship Mr Till unfolds in his analysis of the relationship of words to music , bringing in most of the Enlightenment philosophers and writers , is awe-inspiring , as is his knowledge of the reforms of Emperor Joseph II and the whole contemporary Viennese scene .
3 Cricket : Yorkshire puddings face a championship bout Frank Keating gets a sneak preview of the war of words between two battling Tykes .
4 There was also a highly partisan press , which flourished after the final lapsing of the Licensing Act in 1695 , and an examination of the war of words between the two parties suggests significant continuities with the party conflict of the Exclusion Crisis .
5 in word processing , the automatic adjustment of the number of words on a line of text to match the margin settings .
6 For example , frequency of nouns can be expressed as a percentage of the number of words in a text : X should normally be a more general , superordinate category including the feature being counted .
7 Also the size of the model is independent of the number of words in the dictionary .
8 That this is the correct interpretation of the role of words in trusts emerges more clearly in the next section .
9 The non-sentences consisted of a sequence of words in which the initial words formed a coherent unit ( e.g. The chorus of winning loud the lions . )
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