Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [vb pp] around the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He left biscuits , cake , pies , fruit and bowls of custard littered around the shelves , but it remained untouched .
2 ‘ The attraction of the place is that it lies spot-on a ley line — an imaginary line linking a few hunks of granite scattered around the landscape , supposed to have been put there by our ancestors for their spiritual gigs .
3 ‘ Oh God , I 'd forgotten about the mess , ’ she added , taking in the empty coffee mugs and sheets of paper strewn around the room .
4 When they started to let us out of the house we were able to rummage amongst the appalling pile of rubbish strewn around the University campus nearby .
5 There seems to be a shroud of mystery wrapped around the existence of so many artists that must , in part , stem from the romanticised time when artistic practice was mainly reserved for self-supporting male painters and sculptors , or those few working under patronage .
6 Cellulite is the particularly ugly type of fat found around the hips , thighs and upper arms .
7 Her shriek of surprise echoed around the building , drumming in their ears , amplified by the stillness .
8 A length of wire wound around the rudder ?
9 We smashed through it and came to a halt , a tangle of wire wrapped around the hood .
10 As a result , sex became a crucial target of power organised around the management of life rather than the sovereign threat of death .
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