Example sentences of "of [art] [adj] type of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He always admired the culture , manners and civilization of the better type of Englishman . ’
2 Whatever the cause the effect of the dementing type of brain failure is devastating at times for both the sufferer and the carer .
3 The problem is that Freud claims that his findings are as firmly established as the findings of the latter type of psychology , even though he only used the methods of verstehende psychology .
4 Gordon Williamson 's Aces of the Reich is an excellent example of the latter type of book , including as it does over 100 biographies of Third Reich personalities who made their mark , not in politics or high command , but up at the ‘ sharp end ’ .
5 An example of the latter type of shift is shown in figure 13.22 , where instead of time dependence measurements the frequency dependence of the β-relaxation in poly ( vinyl acetate ) has been studied at fixed temperatures in the range 212 to 266 K. A master curve can be constructed for this relaxation region by plotting against , where the ‘ max ’ subscript refers to the peak maximum at each experimental temperature .
6 The left-hand record carries an example of the first type of paper label for discs , introduced in 1901 .
7 After eighteen months of the new type of service , it came under strong attack , first in the Press and second from concerned professional observers .
8 The introduction of the new type of development plan under the 1968 Act involved revised provisions in relation to planning blight .
9 Dean Inge was typical of the new type of moralist .
10 There is , as has already been remarked , divergence of juristic opinion as to the identity of the test applicable to determine the sufficiency of the one type of consideration and of the other .
11 Some of the direction is rather nifty and it 's also go the benefit of being very well shot , but then there 's a such a hell of a lot of the other type of shooting going on here it 's pretty difficult to notice .
12 Some of the direction is rather nifty and it 's also go the benefit of being very well shot , but then there 's a such a hell of a lot of the other type of shooting going on here it 's pretty difficult to notice .
13 A budget account is a good example of the former type of credit ; credit-sale , conditional sale and hire purchase fall into the fixed-sum credit category .
14 ( Masters and Johnson were the innovators of the above type of treatment , following eleven years of detailed research into human sexual functioning ) .
15 Both the transition from one steady pattern to another and the onset of periodic unsteadiness can be understood as instability of the pre-existing type of convection — and indeed have been successfully analysed from that point of view .
16 This dog was to be the foundation of the modern type of Rottweiler in the UK .
17 If you have done enough of the right type of training , there is no reason why you should n't give a good account of yourself .
18 Brian McHale sees the foregrounding of the second type of indeterminacy as a characteristic strategy of postmodernist fiction .
19 All these competencies are related to the care of the particular type of patient with whom she is likely to come in contact when registered in that part of the Register for which the student intends to qualify .
20 These competencies are related to the care of the particular type of patient with whom the nurse is likely to come in contact when registered in that part of the Register for which the student intends to qualify .
21 Without knowledge of the particular type of error , any attempted correction is bound to give the incorrect solution in some cases , but more detailed investigation is necessary to establish whether this proportion is significant .
22 Kellmer Pringle is among the most outspoken proponents of the society-as-parent type of view .
23 ( The terms C 3 and C 4 indicate the number of carbon atoms in each molecule of the main type of sugar that each plant manufactures out of carbon dioxide and water as a result of photosynthesis . )
24 As use of GF rod and tubing expanded rapidly , and ripstop nylon became available off-the-roll through the 1980s , new concepts were fertilized by exponents of the multi-cellular type of kite , such as the Tetrahedral .
25 Some of Dowland 's ayres almost certainly came from masques ; the Ayres ( 1609 ) of Alfonso Ferrabosco the younger ( c. 1575–1628 ) , the completely Anglicized son of ‘ the elder ’ , include a number composed for Ben Jonson 's earlier masques and one , ‘ Come my Celia ’ , from his music to Jonson 's Volpone ; Thomas Campion ( 1567–1620 ) , better poet than composer , was much concerned in the writing and production of masques ; while Robert Jones and Philip Rosseter , masters of the lighter type of ayre , were also men of the theatre .
26 Mistake of the old type of interpretation was to fit all into a single story , a single world .
27 It was a gigantic version of the same type of enhancer that Mait had .
28 In some respects his ethics is a representative in the ‘ modern ’ world of the same type of approach as was taken by Plato and Aristotle .
29 We recognize that often revision has consisted simply of repetition of the same type of exercise that was used in learning the topic , but it is self-evident that effective revision must involve the synthesis with the assimilation of the new concepts and techniques by the pupil .
30 Where there were several purchasers of the same type of wine , it was impossible to say who owned which of the bottles of wine in the seller 's stock .
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