Example sentences of "of [adj] change [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1985 there were large seminars or workshops on the impact of microprocessors on employment , on telecommunications , the process-equipment industries , the food processing industry , the management of technical change in Japan , the prospective developments in medicial technologies , a large number on changing skill requirements , co-operation in pre-competitive R&D , the future of the UK steel industry , and on the potential impact of technical change on the employability of the less able .
2 In 1982 , the British Library commissioned a study of ‘ information demand and supply in British industry ’ and following the completion and publication of this report , BL commissioned a further study of the prospective impact of technical change on the demands for information services .
3 The objective of the research programme is to identify and explain the nature , determinants and economic impact of technical change in the UK and , in particular , the impact on
4 The objective of the research programme is to identify and explain the nature , determinants and economic impact of technical change in the UK and , in particular , the impact on
5 The results of a study commissioned by MAFF , AFRC and SERC on the management of technical change in the food processing industry was also completed .
6 In so doing , the study will contribute to the wider comparative research on the local impact of economic change in the United Kingdom .
7 Table 5.1 Key indicators of economic change in the UK economy , 1978–88
8 But these are women who have not very much experience of a particular current within British feminism which sees men very much as the enemy , though they went through a tremendous process of political change during the strike and with the development of their organisation , many marriages , for example , split up and the women gained a whole new identity of themselves as individual women .
9 The election of a new and younger General Secretary in March 1985 , dedicated to an apparently far-reaching programme of ‘ reconstruction ’ and ‘ acceleration ’ , raises questions of the nature and limits of political change in the USSR of a particularly interesting kind .
10 Schmidt and Genscher could not repeat the dramatic advances in foreign policy made by Brandt , and some Germans remained disappointed by the lack of political change in the East , but Genscher 's reputation grew enormously as foreign minister , helping the FDP 's popularity .
11 Figure 3.2 Simplified model of multidimensional change in the history of English .
12 Bourdieu 's re-working of Weber keeps intact the Weberian conceptualization of social change via the struggle between bureaucratic priests and charismatic prophets for the allegiance of the socially stratified masses .
13 Consequences of social change in the village
14 We must first calculate the effect of this change on the resource column .
15 Before assessing the impact of the process of change on different areas of the UK ( in Parts II and III ) , it is essential to assess the character and pace of socioeconomic change for the nation as a whole .
16 Furthermore , the context in which gynaecology and obstetrics developed during the 19th century was one of intense conflict among different kinds of medical practitioners , of tremendous change in the organisation of the medical profession , and of social and economic insecurity for many of its members .
17 It is to be hoped that this will not deter commentators from making their contribution to the debate , particularly against the background of recent corporate scandals over which auditors have been criticised , often unfairly , and against a backcloth of rapid change in the ways of doing business generally .
18 The originators of socio-technical systems theory are reputedly Eric Trist and his colleagues at the Tavistock Institute who ( in the early 1950s ) studied the effects of technological change on the morale of workers .
19 To sum up , a number of interlocking factors have operated to shift the focus of concern about the impact of technological change on the quality of working life towards physical hazard from using the equipment ( eg radiation and eye damage from VDUs , equipment design ) and away from the ways that software , job design and work organisation could produce jobs that workers experienced as stressful , fatiguing and dehumanising .
20 The proposed investigation of the human resource dimension of technological change in the Information Technology sector , focusing on how firms manage their changing skill and labour requirements and the industrial relations aspects of the introduction of new products and processes .
21 The move stems from the acceleration of technological change in the region , and from the need for firms to be ever more technologically innovative and competitive .
22 The 1991 Opening Shots Forum considers the opportunities for new directors in a period of great change for the film and television industries , but also in a climate of fast dwindling resources .
23 He was national vice-chairman in 1990–91 before serving as chairman the following year at a time of great change in the Association .
24 On a more modest basis , IBM UK have agreed to fund a pilot global population database being built in Birkbeck College to permit assessment of the impact of environmental change on the world s population .
25 Notwithstanding this debate , what precisely has happened in terms of environmental change in the Sahel in the last two to three decades ?
26 This is Howard 's End , the crux of the action and the cause of dramatic change in the lives of the characters .
27 There was a pile of loose change beside the wallet , and she pushed the coins with her finger .
28 Revolution was in the minds of some of those people , together with the nagging doubt , despite the talk of Trotsky and Guevara , Mao and Marcuse , that the supposed motor of revolutionary change in the west — or Eastern European bloc — the workers , would not be prepared to do anything about it .
29 The impact of industrial change in the UK ‘ Sunbelt ’ : the case of Southampton
30 A failure to recognise the implications of demographic change for the labour market as a whole is a further factor which could seriously affect the competitive position of smaller businesses .
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