Example sentences of "of [noun] [prep] [art] period of " in BNC.

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1 If you mark your weight on a graph or chart this should provide a clear and rewarding sign of progress over a period of weeks and months .
2 ‘ This is to certify that Color Serjeant William Nicholl served in the 8th ( or The King 's ) Regiment of Foot for a period of Twenty One Years , during which time he has invariably conducted himself as an honest , trustworthy , sober man — Given under my hand at Plymouth , This 4th day of August 1825 , J. Duffy Lf Col Commg 8th or King 's Reg . ’
3 I have experience of this class of case over a period of more than fifty years and it has n't been uncommon in the past even in the days when judges took a more rigorous view than they cline er inclined to do nowadays not to punish er in any with a custodial
4 After that going for gold involves participating in a wide range of activities over a period of at least 18 months .
5 the only forms of prevention which actually prevent mental handicap are concerned with advising the mother of the possibly harmful effects of certain courses of action during the period of pregnancy , and ensuring high standards of antenatal and postnatal care to prevent a healthy born or unborn child from becoming mentally handicapped .
6 They have an album of photos showing the house at different stages of completion over a period of 18 months .
7 Only three subjects had a feeling of wind before a period of intermittent need for defecation .
8 Inserts to b and c show the changes expected in the Pb isotopic composition of a model array of data over a period of 130Myr with μ ( 238 U/ 204 Pb ) values comparable to those found in the erupted basalts .
9 It must be stated , however , that the rebuilding of reserves in a period of financial stringency , when the unit of resource is reducing and greater efficiencies are constantly being required of universities , is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve .
10 Like Brooke-Rose , Spark began writing fiction as a form of therapy after a period of psychological strain ( Stanford 1963:62 ) .
11 If you were with us at the last occasion of this sort , the last centenary lecture on Gerter , given by Professor Corby , you will remember on that occasion erm he provided a focus of illumination in a period of power cuts , economic gloom and all the rest of it .
12 The differing requirements of working alluvial deposits and mining can be illustrated very well from the situation existing in different parts of Spain during the period of Roman rule .
13 UK banks were subject to special and supplementary deposits at the Bank of England during the period of the ‘ corset ’ .
14 A number are reported to have been smuggled out of Ireland during the period of the Viking depredations , and brought to safety in Welsh monasteries .
15 But this is surely nitpicking , in what can be viewed as a significant contribution to our knowledge of so many aspects relating to the ordinary citizens of Florence over a period of more than 200 years .
16 The Act confers upon Budget resolutions the force of law for the period of four months after they are passed .
17 This number of casualties over a period of a few days would have been exceptional even when the mujahideen guerrillas were fighting the communists .
18 At an election meeting B Gardner , ILP and councillor , argued for a redistribution of wealth in the period of reconstruction and warned of the dangers of placing trust in Lloyd George ( SE 30 November 18 )
19 These figures agree remarkably well with the other indications of population in the period of the conquest and the judges .
20 In addition to these outbursts of weeping with which she made up arrears and which followed close upon the fatal termination of the illness , the lady celebrated annual festivals of remembrance at the period of the various catastrophes .
21 The axiom which the creed creates takes the believer back millions of years beyond the period of controversial claims of ‘ revelation ’ by a ‘ god ’ who created all the universe .
22 The group says that the survival of evidence over a period of years defies expectations and improves the prospects for enforcement of the recently signed international Chemical Weapons Convention ( see Nature 361 , 105 ; 1993 ) .
23 Both the purchasing power of the ultimate benefit and the real cost of any future premiums payable will depend on the rate of inflation over the period of the contract .
24 The value of your eventual cash sum and monthly premiums depends on the rate of inflation over the period of the Plan .
25 Both the purchasing power of the ultimate benefit and the real cost of any future premiums/investments payable will depend on the rate of inflation over the period of the contract .
26 Both the purchasing power of the ultimate benefit and the real cost of any future premiums/investments payable will depend on the rate of inflation over the period of the contract .
27 The buying power of the benefits you get will depend on the rate of inflation over the period of the contract .
28 The capital gain or loss calculated for corporation tax purposes on the disposal of property , plant , equipment or other assets is usually measured as the difference between the sale price and the base cost of the asset plus a deduction for indexation ( an allowance given for the effects of inflation during the period of ownership of the asset ) .
29 If you extend £100,000 of credit for a period of one year and during that year the inflation rate averages 10 per cent per annum , you will have effectively lost £1 0,000 even if you are paid in full and right on time .
30 It charts the development of still life , genre and landscape painting , the importance of historiae , the changing fashions in portraiture , and the role of art in a period of political and economic flux .
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