Example sentences of "the secretary of [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 The Local Government and Housing Act 1989 gave back to the Secretary of State for the Environment the power to make determinations excluding certain elderly persons ' dwellings from the Right to Buy .
2 Companies wishing to enter the waste disposal business at this level must demonstrate to the local Waste Disposal Authority ( usually a county council , but in some cities and in Wales a more local authority ) that they can meet various criteria , although the authority may be over-ruled on appeal to the Secretary of State for the Environment .
3 However , Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment , said the proposals for passing unforeseen costs on to consumers were well-known and accused Dr Cunningham of whipping up unjustified concern .
4 CHRIS PATTEN , the Secretary of State for the Environment , yesterday announced that he was overturning his predecessor Nicholas Ridley 's ‘ mindedness ’ to allow an instant , private new town to be built on the Berkshire/Hampshire borders , south-east of Wokingham .
5 Meetings between the Prime Minister ; Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment ; and Nigel Lawson , Chancellor of the Exchequer , have been unable to come up with an agreed solution to put to today 's Cabinet .
6 CHRIS PATTEN , the Secretary of State for the Environment , summed up the house-building dilemma when delivering his ( provisionally negative ) judgement on the proposed building of Foxley Wood , a ‘ new settlement ’ on the borders of Berkshire and Hampshire .
7 The decision last week by Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment , to reject the scheme for a small new town among the gravel pits and conifers of north-east Hampshire is pure politics .
8 With this advice the Secretary of State for the Environment , Christopher Patten , yesterday rebuked a Thatcherite who had urged the Conservative Party to put its faith in the free market .
9 Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment , later countered : ‘ If the Labour Party are accusing us of an electoral bribe , it shows that they find it rather difficult to criticise us on any other grounds . ’
10 A REVIEW of all government policy affecting the environment was announced yesterday by Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment , in a Conservative Party conference speech that flagged a shift in the Government 's ideological stance .
11 ‘ GREATER LOVE hath no man than that he lays down his jokes for his Prime Minister , ’ a Cabinet minister said in Blackpool on hearing of the sacrifice made by Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment .
12 The Museum of London and Hanson are to ask Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment , to schedule the site as one of national importance .
13 In addition to the secretary of state for the environment , the director-general of water services , and the EC commissioners , regulators include the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ( which has already stepped in to prevent unwelcome mergers ) ; the local authorities ( responsible for monitoring and controlling the standard of clean water supplies ) ; the Drinking Water Inspectorate ( the auditor of technical standards ) ; the National Rivers Authority ( responsible for monitoring and controlling pollution in rivers , lakes and coastal waters , and for maintaining sea walls ) ; Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution , HMIP ( which grants consents for the release of toxic substances into the environment ) ; and the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food ( responsible for granting consents for disposals at sea ) .
14 Last December , the Secretary of State for the Environment , Michael Heseltine , revealed that the Government was considering surrendering Somerset House — largely occupied by the Inland Revenue and the Lord Chancellor 's probate registry — for ‘ some imaginative public use that will add further lustre to London ’ .
15 The simplest inquiry about the Health Service ( ’ What are you going to do about waiting lists ? ’ ) will sound accusatory — even loaded — when put to the Secretary of State for the Department of Health .
16 The Secretary of State for the Environment told the House of Commons that ‘ after taking legal advice ’ he had decided that ‘ the term ‘ maximum admissible concentration ’ in the European Community Drinking Water Directive should relate to individual samples and not to averages over a period ’ .
17 The actual date for it to come into force has yet to be announced by the Secretary of State for the Environment .
18 The Secretary of State for the Environment will convene a new private sector forum to promote London internationally as a business , tourist and cultural centre .
19 It is then up to the Secretary of State for the Environment ( but more usually delegated to a junior minister or senior civil servant ) to decide whether to accept the inspector 's recommendation .
20 For example , the Secretary of State for the Environment has a duty , not just a power , to compile lists of buildings of historic and architectural interest .
21 The writ named the Secretary of State for the Environment as the first party for failing to provide the necessary certificates , with the Coal Board conjoined as second party .
22 A year later , the Secretary of State for the Environment , then Patrick Jenkin , accepted his inspector 's recommendations that the Mies scheme should not be given consent .
23 Treasury Counsel announced that the Secretary of State for the Environment was now inclined to take the view that the statue was not part of the listed building , and so asked for an adjournment .
24 THE SECRETARY of State for the Environment has a duty — not just a power — laid on him by parliament , to compile lists of buildings which are of historic and architectural interest .
25 Written representations should be sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment at Room 1203B , Tollgate House , Houlton Street , Bristol , BS2 9DJ , to arrive no later than April 30th .
26 They should be sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment at Room 1203B , Tollgate House , Houlton Street , Bristol BS2 9DJ quoting reference APP/M1710/A/92/203052 .
27 In 1780 the Secretary of State for the Southern Division was Lord Stormont ( 1727–96 ) .
28 Though there has been a change of Prime Minister and of the Secretary of State for the Environment since the publication of the White Paper , the environmental cause seems as strong as ever .
29 In 1979–80 , the Secretary of State for the Environment , Michael Heseltine , reduced the rate-support grant ( money provided by central government to fund local authorities ) by £300 million .
30 The Secretary of State for the Environment argued , however , that the voluntary sector would have a genuine role to play ( Shore , 1978 ) .
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