Example sentences of "the main [noun sg] of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the private sector its notes were the main medium of exchange for London transactions ; circulation reached £6 million in 1785 , backed by a sizeable fraction of the country 's bullion stock .
2 Its immediate effect was the flight of Adminius , another son of Cunobelinos , and who had been installed as King of the north-east tip of Kent to control the main port of entry at Richborough and the Wansum Channel which provided a short-cut to the Thames .
3 Despite these deficiencies , tobacco was used as the main type of money in Virginia State , USA , during the late 1700s .
4 Overall these data indicate that the informal sector is the main provider of help to older people , especially with the personal and household tasks which are required to maintain them in the community .
5 the greatest happiness of the greatest number , as the main principle of morality in spite of Gandhi 's use of the notion of means and ends .
6 Aung San Suu Kyi 's expulsion from the NLD , some two months after she had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize , was the latest attempt by the ruling junta , the State Law and Order Restoration Council ( SLORC ) , to undermine her position as the main symbol of opposition to military rule .
7 Indeed Fothergill and Gudgin ( 1982 ) argue that this urban-rural shift was the main component of change over those years ( more important , that is , than changes in balance between regions ) .
8 Perhaps you regard the main function of talk to be giving information directly and honestly .
9 The main development objective is to produce a well-documented , user-friendly version of the main suite of programs with self-documenting or transport inputs and automated production of model manuals from the inputs by which the model is defined ( the 1981 manual of the UK model was produced in this manner using a prototype version of the new system ) .
10 Among the ideas under consideration are : — changes to bus lanes in a bid to speed up services ; — giving buses priority at traffic lights ; — contraflow bus lanes allowing public transport to travel against the main flow of traffic in a one way street ; — measures to protect bus stops from careless motorists who park illegally .
11 The main grouping of riders at any time in the race .
12 The team member making the main assessment of needs for community care uses a structured form with headings covering all areas of potential need .
13 Hand contact surfaces are also the main route of infection from the toilet .
14 For four hundred years after this formulation , mercury was the main drug of choice in the treatment of syphilis .
15 Modern linguistics has taken an entirely different road , rejecting the historicist and evolutionist interests of the mid-nineteenth century perhaps with excessive violence , and to this extent the main development of philology in our period worked out known principles rather than anticipating new ones .
16 The Nikkei average index , the main measure of performance in Tokyo , fell by 40 per cent during the year , or approximately US$1,500,000 million , and it was estimated that even dollar-denominated investments there would have lost some 35.4 per cent of their value .
17 The question of the date of everyone 's arrival at the gates of the heavenly city was , of course , crucial , and the main contribution of Hailey to the formulation of policy was to keep the question open .
18 But the main thrust of proposals for the NHS itself concern quality .
19 The main issue of interest to Catholic school headteachers and staff was the evaluation of the Catholic school .
20 Critics within the BBC hierarchy claim Mr Hussey , his vice-chairman Lord Barnett and director-general John Birt have not consulted the main board of governors in major policy decisions .
21 I believe that Frank is too autocratic , too opinionated — especially about relay selections , which have been the main bone of contention between us down the years .
22 Point Three , the main bone of contention between the two sides , led to the total demilitarization of the Black Sea .
23 The only area which seems to have been devoid of buildings almost throughout the Roman period lay near the main centre of occupation in Birch Abbey and Evesham Street .
24 Ossification begins apart from that of the main centre of ossification for the bone .
25 The ‘ dig ’ carried out in 1984 brought to light what could have been the main centre of administration in Anglo-Saxon times and could well have been the site for the ancient ‘ Dic Ring ’ from which Dickering got its name .
26 The T'ang period was the main flowering of culture in China , and more poetry was written during that time than any other .
27 Higher European interest rates were hardly the main concern of investors in Oslo , home of Europe 's second-best performing market this year .
28 The worst affected will be small businesses , the main engine of job-creation in the Reagan-Bush era .
29 ( i ) The main requirement of water for textiles is freedom from solid particles in suspension or from substances that could give rise to solids in processing .
30 For the delegates to the 15th meeting of parties to the Antarctic Treaty , the main topic of discussion over the next 10 days will be the status of an agreement — the Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities — which collapsed in the summer after the French and Australian governments decided , in consultation with each other , to withdraw their support .
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