Example sentences of "the problem of [adv] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 A single corner window presents the problem of where to allow the curtain to hang during daylight .
2 In Northern Office Microcomputer ( Pty ) Ltd. v Rosenstein [ 1982 ] , a South African case , the problem of where to draw the line was considered .
3 For all the eight years I attended school in Parma there was always the problem of where to eat the midday meal at that time no school in Italy provided lunches .
4 IT 'S killer bee time in the States and smart federal scientists have spent $100,000 working on the problem of how to track the swarms that ravage farming and kill anything in their way .
5 Draw your own diagram and see if the problem of how to lay the pipes can be solved .
6 The second feature which offers the possibility of overcoming the problem of how to incorporate the rich and exciting range of activities we would like , is the move to planning the curriculum as a progression of learning from 5–16 ( hopefully eventually 3–21 ) .
7 This leaves the problem of how to explain the microwave background radiation .
8 The creation of a pattern of land ownership , through field systems , whereby some if not all land was held individually rather than collectively , was a ‘ solution ’ to the problem of how to organize the production of the means of reproduction .
9 He also admitted that Sputniks did not solve the problem of how to defend the country .
10 The 26 environmental groups that make up the Everglades Coalition say the agreement does not go far enough , failing to tackle the problem of how to restore the natural rise and fall of water in the swamps , which has been disrupted by dikes , canals and other human intervention .
11 To return to the problem of how to continue the theme after the first phrase is formed : the simplest solution is to repeat the first phrase exactly as it is .
12 But officers were then immediately faced with the problem of how to implement the decision through DHAs not convinced that it could be done .
13 ‘ Dr Traber added that ‘ for both the media and the theologians , the problem of how to see the world with new eyes should be tackled first by a removal of ideological blinkers which have been worn for so long . ’
14 First , there is the problem of how to integrate the fragmented educational administration ; and second , how to put into effect a new curriculum to replace the South African one .
15 The 1988–89 Committee spent a long time agonising over the problem of how to keep the broadcasters at arms length , so that their editors would not be able to provide the signal in ways that might be journalistically attractive but would be repugnant to Members .
16 The issue of Indian freedom thus resolved itself into the problem of how to fulfill the promise of independence in such a way that Britain 's position in the rest of Asia and in Africa was not weakened , but strengthened .
17 Of more practical importance , whether in government policy or historical interpretation , is the problem of how to strike the balance between the short and long run : the choice between more bread now or more bread and jam later .
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