Example sentences of "the use of [noun] by the " in BNC.

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1 There were no differences in the use of services by the social class of the older people .
2 AI has called for an independent inquiry into the killings and repeatedly called for a curb on the use of firearms by the security forces .
3 Battles over the use of hypnosis by the prosecution have been raging in American courtrooms since 1969 , when a federal court ruled that the defence must be told that a prosecution witness has been hypnotised in order to ‘ enhance ’ his memory .
4 The use of English by the intellectual classes shows that it was becoming more socially acceptable , and the assertion that language was a distinguishing criterion of nationhood reveals a growing measure of national self-awareness .
5 A crude analysis of the use of doctors by the various socio-economic groups shows , for both males and females , either a similar or a lower use by the semi-skilled and unskilled groups than other groups .
6 The key point being made with these examples is that decisions involving qualitative factors call for the use of judgement by the manager .
7 A fideicommissum nutu is quite simply a trust established without the use of words by the settlor , but merely by a nod , which is taken to indicate the settlor 's intention .
8 EVER since the US presidential election , the news and social commentators have been busy at the old old story of explaining the use of words by the Americans .
9 For instance , the use of cannabis by the young is far more likely to be branded as ‘ drug-taking'/'drug addiction ’ and hence a ‘ social problem ’ than is the consumption of thirty cigarettes a day by adults or half a bottle of brandy by middle-class businessmen .
10 An example is the use of Protocols by the South Pacific Forum States in the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty , and the Driftnet Fishing Convention .
11 On Aug. 28 , 1990 , the then Agriculture Minister , Braks , announced a programme — described as the strictest in the world — designed to halve by 2000 the use of pesticides by the country 's intensive agricultural industry .
12 Part of this ‘ ideological policing ’ involved the use of particular forms of imagery and discourse to condemn the use of violence by the strikers while justifying police aggression .
13 The use of silence by the whole body of worshippers during a service does not imply that they are not participating .
14 Mr Endara also rejected the use of force by the US as a means of resolving the situation , urging that solutions be sought through the Organisation of American States and the United Nations .
15 It was Clarkson 's response to the stubbornness of West Indian legislatures over amelioration in the mid-1820s to encourage ladies ' antislavery associations to promote abstention as a superior alternative to the use of force by the government .
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