Example sentences of "the nature [conj] [noun] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The internal economic geography of the UK has been reworked over a century by fundamental change in the nature and orientation of exports , which has reflected the success of individual industries and their factories .
2 They were printed fairly rapidly : Francis Galton gave a lecture on the nature and nurture of men of science on 27 February 1874 , and sent out offprints on 9 April , at a postage charge of 1/2d ; .
3 Analysing educational information for relevant markets gives the firm an insight into the nature and sophistication of consumers in different countries .
4 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will indicate the nature and range of discussions he has had with OFTEL on the length of time customers have had to wait to have their telephones repaired ; what changes in waiting time there have been in the last seven years ; and if he will make a statement .
5 This permits the use of probability theory to compare the nature and range of outcomes of activities and help to form judgements as to the best course of action in given circumstances .
6 This permits the use of probability theory to compare the nature and range of outcomes of activities and help to form judgements as to the best course of action in given circumstances .
7 Secondly , the research will assess the school-based experience and training that the students receive in teaching methods in order to determine the extent to which students have mastered an understanding of the nature and development of pupils ' historical thinking and are able to exemplify such understanding in their teaching styles .
8 Such research could both identify effective strategies for the training of history teachers in the light of our understanding of the nature and development of pupils ' historical thinking and further the debate on the relationship between teaching styles and pupils ' conceptual hierarchies in history .
9 What has replaced these various modernisms is a revamped set of attitudes to boundaries between media , to the previously ‘ closed ’ limitations on authorship and stylistic approach , to historical referencing and recuperation , and to the old modernist proscriptions on the nature and functions of artists , audiences and publics .
10 The major projects under this heading are concerned with the nature and determinants of managements ' industrial relations policies in the hundred largest British private corporations ( Keith Sisson ) , management strategy and industrial relations in nationalised industries ( Anthony Ferner ) and the internal pay policies of large corporations ( William Brown and Paul Marginson ) .
11 In response to requests from industry for more information about the nature and level of qualifications awarded throughout the EC , HCIMA raised the question of accreditation with the European Commission .
12 for the value as science indicators for policy studies concerned with monitoring the nature and direction of advances in scientific research ; particularly for corporate planners concerned with the strategic implications of such changes for industrial R&D .
13 It is important to understand the nature and origin of blocks and resistances .
14 Anticipating the associated upsurge of interest , J. C. Brandt and R. D. Chapman present a survey of contemporary understanding of both the nature and origin of comets , together with its historical context .
15 Conceptualizing the nature and significance of markets has been a key element in economic and political thought since Adam Smith 's Wealth of Nations , published in 1776 .
16 Its use is helping to create a change in the nature and pattern of industries , as shown in the next chapter .
17 It is therefore rather more as a tool for the analysis of the nature and functioning of states than as a theory of the emergence of the State that Marx 's and Engels 's views are still acceptable to present-day anthropologists .
18 The companies involved ( and they included , apart from Rolls Royce , British Nuclear Fuels and Michelin ) will understand more about the nature and role of colleges and the quality and originality of the thinking displayed by the students , and all those at the college associated with the scheme , and not just the students themselves , will know , hopefully , more about the pressures , opportunities and working style of a major company .
19 Bulmer concludes that this is probably an ‘ oversimplified view ’ ( p. 71 ) , focusing too strongly on the functional characteristics of the places and ignoring ( relatively , at least ) the nature of the local culture and its institutional structuring ( as , for example , with the nature and role of trades unions ) .
20 A major consultative exercise on the nature and role of promotions with regard to academic staff is also under way .
21 Thus the understanding of glacial landforms such as cirques required further knowledge of the processes of ice movement and glacial erosion and the interpretation of planation surfaces as having been produced by marine erosion required knowledge of the nature and rate of processes of coastal erosion .
22 1984 for definition of terms Rivers 1964 Dakin 1973 on the nature and use of drills in language teaching Palmer 1981 on the nature of meaning Yule 1985
23 Although they favour differing explanations , the feminist and the sexist share a belief that linguistic behaviour is one of the keys to understanding the nature and status of women .
24 Why should women in general and women philosophers in particular be specially interested in the nature and status of children ?
25 The report also covers the nature and site of injuries , the age and sex of the injured person , the lifetime injury risk and the number of enforcement notices .
26 A full appraisal of the televising of the House would therefore require detailed examination of the nature and extent of changes in the practices and proceedings of the House , and in the conduct of its Members , since televising began .
27 Such a re-survey would provide a unique source of information on the nature and extent of changes experienced by the small holding sector during the last two decades .
28 A survey is being carried out to determine the nature and extent of facilities desired .
29 The purpose of the test is to provide an objective basis for assessing the nature and extent of participants ' alcohol knowledge before and after doing the course .
30 It proceeds , via lecture and workshop , to explore the nature and purposes of children writing .
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