Example sentences of "the [noun sg] door [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The guards opened the passageway door and locked it behind me as Sir Ralph had ordered .
2 Mamma d'Agostino sighed a sigh that shook her generous frame , then stood up and walked to the kitchen door and opened it slightly , then said in a low voice , ‘ Enrico .
3 ‘ Cosier , do n't you think ? ’ she said coyly , as she slid into a chair nearest the kitchen door and gave him what he could only assume was her standard come-hither look .
4 With the borrowed gun I keep him covered while I back to the cabin door and open it .
5 She opened the car door and swung her long , beautiful legs out .
6 ‘ I 'll see you to your car , ’ he said gruffly , and followed her out , opening the car door and closing it after her deliberately .
7 Ye a an after you 'd done that did you remain at the exit door or did you come back into the ?
8 ‘ Dad 's going to drive out to the woods and we 're going to open the cage door and let him out .
9 One of the Germans stationed in the house got suspicious of Antoinette hanging about near the cellar door and made her give him the key and go down there with him so he could see what she was hiding .
10 He opened the drawing-room door and ushered me through .
11 Lee untwisted the wire that fastened the shed door and pocketed it .
12 ‘ He even remembered to open the lav door and close it with a bang , like he always did ’ .
13 The porter threw one venomous look at Ranulf , slammed the jack of ale down on the bench , grumblingly unlocked the postern door and led them out on to the white , dusty forest track which snaked between the trees down to Godstowe village .
14 Opened the fridge door and hit him right on the
15 We smashed a hole in the patio door and carried her out .
16 'Cos once she 's up she opens the porch door and leaves it open .
17 By way of reply , Connor walked across the room , drew back the bolts on the street door and flung it open .
18 He went to the garage door and opened it as quietly as possible .
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