Example sentences of "the [noun sg] around [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If this principle is applied to the situation in Figure 9.6 then it is clear that as the parcel 's distance from the spin axis decreases then the speed of the parcel around the spin axis must increase .
2 What emerged , aside from the technology , which has been widely previewed ( summary inside ) , was a seminal move by USL president Roel Pieper to unify the industry around a desktop Unix to challenge Microsoft Corp NT — threatening to sweep the boards when it finally arrives .
3 ‘ First they have to blast the rock around the ore body .
4 ( An insider account of the politicking around the Ramp ton and Swann phases can be found in Parekh , 1989b ) .
5 Make sure the ceiling around the rose area is clean and free from any loose material , such as old distemper .
6 Cephalic and cervical vesicles are inflations of the cuticle around the mouth opening and in the oesophageal region .
7 I complete the circuit around the deck area .
8 And he used to go to these houses Dunoon and them and er all the way down and around the promenade around the south parade and er and he used to go these houses with all these and then there were some er black and white minstrels in the valley .
9 The forest around the Whinlatter Pass area in the north-western Lake District is the oldest Forestry Commission forest and the location for many varied walks .
10 The generating board is proposing that the part of the vessel around the coolant nozzle , where the cooling system joins the vessel , will be cast in separate parts .
11 However , why his ghost should have been attracted to the station and the area around the mess room has never been explained satisfactorily .
12 Some parts of the painting , such as the area around the clock tower are nearly finished at this stage .
13 Some parts of the painting , such as the area around the clock tower are nearly finished at this stage .
14 Eventually the area around the Memorial Church was lighted by a single gas lamp on the opposite side of the road at the junction with Killicomaine Road .
15 The area around the mill pond has also been landscaped , the whole site now looking magnificent and a credit to its new owners .
16 Cleared the area around the overflow chamber , removing the access bridge and ramps .
17 The area around the Guest House where the body of Christine Campbell was found , hidden in a suitcase , is still the focus of police efforts in Swindon to track down her killer .
18 I 'd be very grateful if you could let me have written confirmation of exactly what is involved and how often the various procedures are to be carried out on the playing field and the area around the War Memorial in Scorton .
19 Here he presents large open watercolours and thickly buttered palette knife studies of the countryside around the family seat at Bemersyde , near Melrose , and of his beloved Venice .
20 Thus by changing the environment around the dithiadiazole ring substituents , it is possible to produce , in the solid state , a variety of cis , trans and staggered dimers , and also polymeric arrays .
21 The floor around the wastepaper basket was littered with paper aeroplanes made out of urgent requests from various City officials .
22 Stanislav 's bones lie on the floor around the study chair in which he died .
23 And they had to change because apartheid was at a dead end the people of South Africa were continuing with their struggle the country was ungovernable and there stood the prospect of more sanctions which would bring the noose around the apartheid system .
24 From the seamless opening shot — which lasts eight minutes and has no cuts — the themes and characters of The Player are laid before us with masterful skills as Altman glides and circles the camera around a studio car park , catching snatches of information and fragments of conversation ( a film is being pitched with the description ‘ Ghost meets The Manchurian Candidate ’ .
25 Wrap the ribbon around the cake drum , securing with a little glue or royal icing .
26 Finally , wrap the ribbon around the cake drum and secure on with a little glue or royal icing .
27 Secondly , I 'd make the land around the barn blend and unify with the surrounding area ; it would merge with and reinforce the horizon beyond — harmonise rather than stick out like a sore thumb . ’
28 If a crack begins to.penetrate into the wood across the grain , the Cook-Gordon mechanism — which we discussed in the last chapter — comes into operation in the region around the crack tip and the various cells become separated so that each of them operates as an independent helix , something like a drinking straw .
29 Nonetheless , the atmosphere around the negotiating table seems to be positive and the two proposals are likely to be adopted before the summer break .
30 HLA-B53-positive individuals from the conurbation around the capital Banjul , where malaria transmission is 10–100 times less intense , were also tested .
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