Example sentences of "the [noun sg] that a lot [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And then we had the moment that a lot of you er were n't looking forward to which was playing the video back , yes .
2 On the basis that a lot of the big houses that were doing holiday accommodation and so on , er have have already been converted and this is our experience , so on that basis we have taken a reduced figure for conversions and that is basically the reasoning behind it .
3 Nicholas Knightly was the name that a lot of fashion editors were instead catching up with .
4 She went back to her sleeping-bag , with the feeling that a lot of time had to be got through before Jasper came home to her .
5 ‘ I know I can do the same here , and I 've got the feeling that a lot of people want to help me .
6 Now to many people community arts is a red rag to a bull because there is the feeling that a lot of these things start off quite splendidly as voluntary organizations , and suddenly they 've got their fingers in the public purse .
7 Nevertheless , my appetite whenever I return from a dive , certainly supports the theory that a lot of calories have been consumed and need to be replaced ! ! !
8 The reason that a lot of the older players are going is because they did n't produce the goods when the club needed it most at least the kids were going out battling .
9 Erm , and it 's probably the problem that a lot of you have with Hamlet , you see .
10 On the minus side is the fact that a lot of your customers wo n't like dealing with and paying a factor .
11 The appeal of the games to particularly young boys may be in the fact that a lot of the games are all about some little guy fighting and eventually conquering a large evil monster .
12 A big issue has been made out of the racism allegations , which I think people will make up their own minds about , but no-one 's made a big issue out of the fact that a lot of people are getting ripped off here . ’
13 People embrace him as an all-conquering hero , but they miss out the fact that a lot of native Americans were butchered along the way before old Whitey took over the country .
14 exactly , yeah and we can do that with everything , we can do that with everything , this is my perception and that 's your perception of this thing that I 'm holding in my hand , everything that we 've seen have that ability you know , we 've got the ability to do that with everything , what we need to do sometimes is walk around the issue if you like and look at it from another perspective and , and this is what we 're doing with Ethiopia , now , erm , the good section again was looking at images and particularly the fact that a lot of images are very negative and throwing an alternative view , the second section we 're looking at news coverage which is very sketchy , erm , it does n't provide a complete picture at all , and this third section well you saw what that 's about there
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