Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of god and the " in BNC.

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1 The Buddha discouraged speculation about the origin of things , about the existence of God and the soul in man .
2 Christianity was a matter of churchgoing , of soldiering on and trying to do one 's best , and of believing in the existence of God and the historical life and death of Jesus ( even if his deity and his resurrection were not to be taken too seriously ) .
3 Within minutes father returned home , lifted the new-born baby in his arms , and redeemed himself somewhat by pronouncing , " I dedicate this child to the glory of God and the salvation of the world . "
4 However few who die are reckoned fit to enter directly into the presence of God and the vast majority of Roman Catholics expect to go first to Purgatory either on account of dying ‘ in venial sin ’ ( Catechism P. 32 ) or being ‘ indebted to God 's justice on account of mortal sin . ’
5 The modern tendency to reduce it to simplistic , stereotyped formulas is an insult to the creativity of God and the integrity of man .
6 The essence was to be found in Jesus ' teaching , which Harnack summarised under three heads : the coming of the kingdom of God , ; the Fatherhood of God and the infinite worth of the human soul , ; the ‘ higher righteousness ’ and the command of love .
7 Indeed , Thomas Bradwardine , philosopher and later archbishop , when preaching to a mixed audience after the victories of Crecy and Neville 's Cross , used them to underline his view of the omnipotence of God and the impotence of man : victory in battle was conferred by God on the righteous , as St Paul had declared in II Corinthians 2:14 .
8 We look forward to hearing about how God uses Gary to glorify His name in Switzerland and pray that Gary will continue to know the peace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit in his life .
9 The law of God and the law of man … ’
10 Our kings and emperors , who take the place of the almighty ruler in this world , are set above all other pastors ; and it is entirely incongruous that those whom Christ , mindful of his flock , has constituted princes of this earth [ i.e. bishops ] , should be under the dominion of any but those who excel all mortals by the blessing of God and the glory of their crown .
11 About 1146 Adam became canon of the cathedral of Paris ; as such he took part in the Paris synod of 1147 , presided over by Pope Eugenius III , at which Gilbert of Poitiers had to defend himself against charges of heretical doctrines concerning the nature of God and the Trinity .
12 Inevitability , at once psychological and religious , enters ( so the letter goes on ) after the crime has been committed , in the shape of ‘ the truth of God and the law of nature ’ which compel Raskolnikov first to be exiled from the humanity he has outraged , and then to confess and accept the public consequences of confession as the only way to become a man among men again .
13 In resisting rationalism he risks emphasising paradox to the point where it can seem sheerly irrational ; his insistence on the otherness of God and the sinfulness of man , and his fondness for some of the more arbitrary-seeming accounts of God in the stories of Abraham and Job , leave much too little place for a positive grasp of grace and mercy , goodness and love , though he does attempt to give them place ; his stress upon the centrality of the incarnation of God in Jesus commonly seems to reduce to the bare repetition of the claim that Jesus was also , paradoxically , God , but not fully to work through the implications and purpose of this identification of God with man ; his bitter attacks upon ‘ Christendom ’ in his latter years reveal rather too much of the solitary individualist who has little sense of the nature of community .
14 There the cadets made their promises and signed a covenant form binding themselves to the service of God and the Salvation Army " all their days " .
15 Let us pray that we may be granted the wisdom necessary to discern the values of the new culture created by the mass media , and to use the opportunities offered by modern communications technology always for the service of God and the good of his people .
16 One old miner even recollected seeing one which called upon the fathers of starving children " in the name of God and the King " to prevent vessels laden with corn from leaving Cornish ports .
17 The knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves are bound together by a mutual tie .
18 The breath of God and the message of God can not be divorced .
19 France had a new sovereign ‘ By the grace of God and the will of the people ’ , who took the title of Napoleon III , but who , from the outset , rejected all concepts of an hereditary claim to his title .
20 Unlike his fellow sovereigns , Napoleon III reigned by the Grace of God and the will of the people , to whom the Constitution made him directly responsible — a point which he himself stressed continually .
21 Many people found the grace of God and the numbers in Societies and Class meetings greatly increased .
22 In contrast to the offence of this ONE man Paul then declared what ONE other person , the Lord Jesus Christ had accomplished on behalf of many ‘ the grace of God and the gift of grace , which is by ONE man , Jesus Christ , hath abounded unto many ’ ( v.15 ) ‘ by the righteousness of ONE the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life … by the obedience of ONE shall many be made righteous. ’ ( v.18/19 ) .
23 The grace of God and the acumen of Ursula Salperton .
24 But sacrament has everything to do with the grace of God and the faith of the church .
25 Verse 12 says : ‘ They believed Philip as he preached the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ [ and ] they were baptised . ’
26 The Mass offers the sacrifice of the Passion through which man becomes part of the kingdom of God and the redeeming action of Christ .
27 Let me read a few verses , reading first of all from verse twelve it says , that when they believed Philip preaching the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ , they were baptized men and women alike .
28 The contra operations had to be continued , North told his congressional questioners , ‘ for the love of God and the love of this nation ’ .
29 We live in the knowledge that ‘ the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ , and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit ’ are indeed with us always .
30 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all .
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