Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [modal v] be said [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Nowadays , with the boundary between mass and energy abolished , the advantage might be said to have passed to ch'i ; yet it would be absurd to suggest that the Chinese have been proved right , since the advantages and disadvantages depend on which problems happen to be current .
2 The fact that the taxpayer may be said to benefit in some way from the overseas income — he was able to buy the property because the loan was made to him and he could only keep up , or he kept up , the payments of interest by using that income — is not enough to cause there to be a remittance .
3 Whilst any legal provisions concerned with the curriculum may be said to add further legitimacy to the instillation of moral , cultural and social values by the education system ( via the so-called ‘ affective curriculum ’ ) , there are provisions associated in a particularly identifiable way with certain values — for example , those concerned with sex and race equality , which may be said to have almost universal support amongst policy-makers and practitioners .
4 If strenuous attempts were also made to involve Scottish business in a real debate , then the mixture of the council and the coalition could be said to reflect a pretty broad national consensus .
5 Also consider whether the defendant can be said to have waived limitation , raising an estoppel .
6 Errors of fact or law will have to stand , provided the expert can be said to have asked himself " the right question " .
7 And , further , how does it appear that the testator 's implied request , if it could be implied , or his promise , if that promise alone would suffice , or both together , were intended to cause the marriage , or did cause it , so that the marriage can be said to have taken place at the testator 's request , or , in other words , in consequence of that request ?
8 Others , such as Rizzi ( 1939 ) and Burnham ( 1941 ) , earlier argued that the bureaucracy could be said to own public property , albeit collectively , not individually .
9 If , for example , a mother has been forced to resort to repetitious shouting , whining appeals and querulous naggings , the child can be said to have learned — learned to ‘ turn off ’ what is being said .
10 The fall could be said to give an impression of ‘ finality ’ .
11 As the Group 's terms of reference , scope , functions and core membership were closely based on the CGLI 's proposals , then clearly the Institute might be said to have won the day .
12 The Navy can be said to have won the first round of the long-running carrier battle , which was to bedevil Naval-Air relations for the next decade .
13 In this , the makers of the Revolution can be said to have played some part .
14 No-one whose home floats several floors above the ground can be said to own that home , since the law of England and Wales ties ownership rights to the land !
15 W. P. Hartley also made donations so that the movement could be said to have been financially based on Quaker chocolate and Methodist jam .
16 The movement could be said to have started in Scotland in 1972 , when the Headteachers ' Association set themselves to determine the range of items of information needed to produce a comprehensive picture of the aptitudes and interests of all pupils , offering them a common form of statement , which would be generally comprehensible and would be available to them when appropriate .
17 In fact er Professor Lock in his hin in his own evidence er page five para four three refers to a rash of speculation alo along the A one M in the county , as to which locations the policy might be said to apply .
18 If , as in English equity , the beneficiary can be said to have equitable ownership , there is reason in allowing that ownership to be asserted over objects which replace the original trust property in the hands of the trustee .
19 The exhibition may be said to have motivated the adoption of Chinese art studies in western universities .
20 Where organizational defects were involved therefore , the prosecution can be said to have led to significant organizational improvements in at least 60 per cent of cases . ’
21 It is submitted that in the former case the approach would probably be modified by the basic duty of fidelity to the extent that confidentiality would be lost only if the employer could be said to have shown wilful disregard to the quality of the confidence , rather than having been merely negligent .
22 ‘ It may be said that the duty is difficult to define , because when the act of negligence in manufacture occurs there was no specific person towards whom the duty could be said to exist : the thing might never be used : it might be destroyed by accident , or it might be scrapped , or in many ways fail to come into use in the normal way : in other words the duty can not at the time of manufacture be other than potential or contingent , and only can become vested by the fact of actual use by a particular person .
23 Taken that way , the book can be said to have shown the problems of hypothesizing about origins ; and also the problems associated with supposing that animals , men or plants were suddenly created , fully-grown so that they could manage on their own .
24 The strength of the culture may be said to lie in the convergence of these orientations — that is , they are compatible with and reinforce one another , and similarly are compatible with and are reinforced by the experience of history .
25 The whole movement is conceived in cases such as She got me to break down the door , which have been diagrammed as : In this sense , the infinitive can be said to evoke a subsequent actualization , i.e. an event which is actualized as a consequence of a previous event bringing it into being .
26 Their front end has a mouth below and a few light-sensitive spots above so that the animal can be said to have the beginnings of a head .
27 The point at which the system may be said to have commenced was in the Progress Office .
28 If the family can be said to perform functions for the society of which it is a part , it performs these functions indirectly ( that is , through the individuals who , as adults , move out of their own families of origin and form families of procreation ) , and possesses a certain degree of latitude as to the performance of these functions .
29 There seems to be no sense in which the idea of the Commonwealth can be said to have developed from Indirect Rule , but the similarity of the language employed , and the fact that enthusiasts for one were usually enthusiasts for the other , would appear to suggest that the two ideas sprang from the same rich soil , composted over the years of imperial fact and imperial fancy .
30 Naturally enough , this raised all sorts of questions as to how much of the estate could in good faith be consumed by him ; and ( the question here ) in what circumstances the estate could be said to have been diminished .
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