Example sentences of "the [adj] position of women [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Analysing the economic position of lone mothers in the context of the economic position of women in general is therefore the only way to understand the causes of their poverty .
2 Women generally , and younger women particularly , are , it seems , becoming more aware of the disadvantaged position of women within our present society .
3 A growing body of literature is currently drawing attention to the disadvantaged position of women in society today .
4 The weak position of women in the labour market , and their responsibilities within the home as domestic workers and child rearers , affect not only women 's access to housing , but its structure and design .
5 So , what is the actual position of women in modern Britain ?
6 Care must be taken , however , to ensure that a broader-based policy does not simply confirm the subordinate position of women as the primary domestic workers .
7 Anyway , apart from a few discrepancies , the legal position of women in El Salvador is pretty good .
8 l9 Moreover , the kairos approach can not speak to the fact of an all-male priesthood ( which God is supposed to have given to His church and to have been adequate in past ages ) precisely having been one of the factors making for the secondary position of women in society .
9 in view of the prominent part taken by the women 's movement and of the general position of women in society , it was not surprising that women felt particularly strongly on such issues .
10 This position is in danger of being misunderstood as an opposition to the changing position of women in society .
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