Example sentences of "the [adj] participation of women [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , changes in the labour market and the increased participation of women in employment has raised questions about the extent to which lone mothers — like more and more married mothers — should be expected to take paid employment ( Brown , 1989 ) .
2 Its main objective is to promote the full participation of women in the political , cultural , economic and social life of the country .
3 In short , the growing participation of women in the labour force has not been matched by an equal growth of male participation in the home .
4 Three factors have been particularly significant in bringing about this decline : reduced family size , the increasing participation of women in the labour market , and rising divorce rates .
5 The Occupational Segregation project has a specific focus on what may be one of the most far-reaching changes to affect ecoonmic and social life ; the increasing participation of women in paid employment in Britain .
6 Not the least among these changes is the greater participation of women in the labour market and their increased career expectations .
7 In their first underground leaflet , the Women 's Higher Council stated the following : ’ To our great masses of women , to the steadfast mothers , sisters , to our women heroines behind the iron bars of the zionist jails and in the revolutionary camps — to women workers , peasants , students — You had a central , important and distinguished role in the great Intifada — had part in its continuity , escalation and in sparking its flame ; this role has expressed itself in the wide participation of women in all fields of daily confrontation and resistance since the Uprisings first day .
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