Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] [modal v] [not/n't] go " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday , Mr Baron said that strict justice demanded that ‘ the European Parliament can not go on being regarded as a marginal institution , able only to speak but not to take decisions ’ .
2 Moreover , grants may be open or closed : there may or may not be an upper limit beyond which the central government will not go .
3 I 've cut the top off and the wee cap ca n't go on
4 The extra cash would n't go amiss for the chickenwire fund .
5 ‘ But the following Tuesday , British Coal 's area director visited Point of Ayr and said the second phase would not go ahead during the review period , which effectively means development plans at Point of Ayr are on ice . ’
6 Tommy Allen was married now and it was not unnatural that he should have a conversation with Carrie , but the nagging feeling would not go away .
7 The poor man ca n't go , ’ she whispered .
8 Therefore , the corresponding credit would not go to the supplier but to , say , an orders issued account :
9 A little humility in the medical debate would not go amiss .
10 Then she realized that the older woman could not go without Joe to transport her , and she wondered what in earth she was to do .
11 even though there was a bit of grey in it , it was the , really the brown that predominated it , I said it , it , the grey suite would n't go with it
12 The scope of the ministerial Council should not go beyond what is appropriate to the role of the Community and should not usurp the satisfactory work of organisations which already exist .
13 Medical or other expert reports that have been disclosed to the other side should not go in Sched 1 , Pt1 , of the list , even if they have already been disclosed to the other side , but always go in Pt2 , otherwise one will lose the right to claim privilege for such reports .
14 This remained a most important consideration , but some relaxation of the original prohibition would not go amiss .
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