Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] later [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It may produce the odd shower later in the afternoon with the heating but erm a fair part of the day will be dry . ’
2 Still they were a generous , friendly bunch and they told me to make myself at home until the editorial meeting later in the afternoon .
3 Team scores are compared to introduce some rivalry ( which usually means that participants work into the early hours later in the course ) , and critiques prepared on how their performance might be improved through reference to Grid styles .
4 Speaking to the Central Committee later in the year , Medvedev accepted that the process of change in which they were engaged might be complex and even alarming .
5 Well I think it 's not a superstructure that 's been put there because , I mean , for example when you get a particular idea there are often other questions you can ask to check whether it 's really present , to see whether the thing is alluded to at the appropriate point later in the plot and that sort of thing .
6 Well , I think it 's not erm a superstructure that 's been put there , because , I mean for example when you get a particular idea , there are often other questions you can ask to check whether it 's really present , to see whether the thing is alluded to at the appropriate point later in the plot and that sort of thing , and erm again and again you find that it is , that the thing you half suspected is mentioned by a character later .
7 The tedium and discomfort of life which prevailed between moments of action and danger , and the feeling that they would never be strong enough in morale or matériel to take the offensive themselves , were dispelled when Montgomery took command of the Eighth Army later in the summer .
8 When she met Miguel Rafaelo at the medical centre later in the week , she did n't have the nerve to ask him straight out .
9 MacArthur repeated his desire for a treaty in the context of the continuing exchanges within the American government later in the year .
10 President Bush has yet to be convinced that ‘ going green ’ will translate into real votes come the presidential election later in the year , and his advisers ( who enjoy nothing so much as bashing a few Greens on the media before breakfast ) have sown so many doubts in his mind about ‘ the lack of scientific evidence ’ that global warming is not seen to be one of the challenges he now faces — despite the fact that his country is responsible for nearly 30 per cent of all emissions of carbon dioxide , the main greenhouse gas .
11 Tensions rose dramatically in early March over the possibility of rival candidates within the ruling Kuomintang ( KMT ) for the presidential elections later in the month .
12 These factors are analysed in this chapter and discussed in relation to types of production in the relevant chapters later in the book .
13 If he managed to win through in the first round , there is now a second round of contests to be staged , followed by the final round later in the year .
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