Example sentences of "the [noun] would [adv] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As matter event horizon would go up , so that the sum of the entropy of matter outside black holes and the area of the horizons would never go down .
2 A little thank you to the Ombudsman would not go amiss .
3 One or two turns would probably suffice and anyway the money would not go far at this year 's prices .
4 These more loyal long service employees had an intuitive feeling that the division would ultimately go out of business in the UK if it continued to operate in the way it had behaved over the previous ten years .
5 However , as with the proposed Legco referendum , the vote would only go ahead after approval by the Legco , the chief executive and the NPC standing committee .
6 Ahead there was space , but her foot was pressed down to the floor and the car would n't go any faster .
7 It would be miles yet , probably another day of travelling , before they reached safer country , and even if fitzAlan stubbornly insisted that he could travel the horse would n't go forever .
8 The bottles would therefore go back to the company , which would only pay one deposit on each bottle but the deposit would end up in the hands , not of the purchasers of the soft drinks , but of the defendants .
9 But advocates of PR said afterwards that the issue would not go away : Labour has yet to decide its preferred method of electing its proposed regional assemblies and its replacement for the House of Lords .
10 The universe would then go on to expand and cool just like the hot big bang model , but there would now be an explanation of why the universe was expanding at exactly the critical rate and why different regions had the same temperature .
11 The address of Servicemen Against The War would n't go amiss either — SW
12 Elstree now mastered in the ‘ Fury , he went from strength to strength until one day he took-off , put the wheels up and the lights would n't go out .
13 He ended by saying that the lights would not go out until they had achieved civil rights and a thirty-two-county republic .
14 Well I 've put the big one in but I know that the rest would n't go in .
15 But the guilt would not go away : I omitted the incident from the log and it took me two years to own up to it .
16 The anger would n't go away .
17 Phoning the next day quoting my reference number to say the flight would not go ahead due to a change of circumstances , a long delay ensued .
18 Michael and I were both very nervous , for even at this stage something might arise which could mean that the adoption would not go through .
19 The thought would n't go away .
20 We had a long way to go and to start by knocking the monarchy would n't go down too well at home .
21 Just a few months ago , only the most rabid anti-royalist thought that the monarchy would not go on and on .
22 He was however er reasonably clear as to the speed at which local authorities tend to deal with these matters , he said that it always takes a long time and getting any answer out of the local authority might well take somewhere between six months and up to two years , he thought that perhaps eighteen months was a reasonable guess before he would actually manage to get somebody if Paul were to move as er , it maybe well occur to here or a different local authority then of course the application would just go back to square one and that would lead to more delay .
23 I thought for a while that the information would just go on accumulating from here on in , but thank God it 's already begun dropping off .
24 We have all become used to matching colours in the home , and perhaps a little colour co-ordination in the garden would not go amiss .
25 This means that each job is learned completely and thoroughly , but I could n't help thinking that a few musicians and/or luthiers at strategic points around the factory would n't go amiss — groundworkers who actually understand how a guitar works and who could spot problems from the playing perspective , rather than just the engineering view .
26 The 10-footers would n't go in , though .
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