Example sentences of "the [noun] of cases [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But it 's believed that the majority of cases of tuberculosis , that we actually see , are so called post-primary tuberculosis where all of this process is taking place asymptomatically and the host is in this state of balance but something else comes along and stresses cell mediated immunity and the control breaks down so that th the organism M T B wins out very dramatically over the , over the macrophages and you end up with this post-primary pattern of tuberculosis .
2 Some deny that Candida is a common problem , while others claim that it underlies the majority of cases of food intolerance .
3 Once sown or planted , herbs will grow strongly and healthily to maturity in the majority of cases without help , except while seedlings or young plants , but even so the help needed will be minimal .
4 Instead , trials could be heard by a panel of judges or juries especially selected for their ability to understand the complexities of cases against corporations .
5 The worry that the law in text-books for students , which might be unofficial , might be applied in the decision of cases in court is well-expressed in the letter " Pastoralis " addressed to the bishop of Ely , where the pope gives voice to his concern about the use of forged decretals .
6 David Perry , 35 , of Buttermere Avenue , Orford , Gary Toony , 25 , of Kendal Avenue , Orford , and Steven Lea , 27 , of St David 's Drive , Callands , all Warrington , admitted the theft of cases of whisky at the town 's Crown Court .
7 The prevalence of mechanically defective cardia , defined as lower oesophageal sphincter pressure equal or below 6 mm Hg , an abdominal portion of the lower oesophageal sphincter with a length equal or shorter than 9 mm , and a total length of the distal sphincter equal or shorter than 20 mm , or a combination of these three parameters are shown in Table V. We also calculated the percentage of cases with absence of lower oesophageal sphincter pressure and the percentage of cases with absence of the abdominal portion of lower oesophageal sphincter .
8 The prevalence of mechanically defective cardia , defined as lower oesophageal sphincter pressure equal or below 6 mm Hg , an abdominal portion of the lower oesophageal sphincter with a length equal or shorter than 9 mm , and a total length of the distal sphincter equal or shorter than 20 mm , or a combination of these three parameters are shown in Table V. We also calculated the percentage of cases with absence of lower oesophageal sphincter pressure and the percentage of cases with absence of the abdominal portion of lower oesophageal sphincter .
9 He drew up a map of Scotland based on where the men lived and found the excess of cases in children from rural areas who had been exposed to those men .
10 Strictly speaking , of course , this kind of sampling does not allow the deployment of statistical analysis in order to make inferences to population values from the sample , since the selection of cases within quota categories is not done according to random sampling procedures .
11 The report looked specifically at the cluster of cases around Dounreay and concluded that they were most likely to have been caused by oil workers rather than emissions from the nuclear plant .
12 The 20 year interval between the first influx of nuclear workers in the late 1950s and the cluster of cases near Dounreay beginning in 1979 could not readily be explained since the excesses usually followed fairly quickly on other types of population mixing .
13 The absence of cases in west Thurso above age 4 among children born locally may at least partly reflect the immunity conferred by their recent exposure at earlier ages .
14 Although numerical values may be arbitrarily assigned to various categories , the standard arithmetic operations of addition , subtraction , multiplication and division are not permissible , though the frequency of cases within categories can be calculated .
15 Table VI shows the numbers of cases of leukaemia and lymphomas for 10 year age groups in the age range 25–74 , together with age specific and overall incidence rates , in the three study areas during 1984–90 .
16 Table IV shows the numbers of cases of cancer together with the age standardised rates in children aged 0–14 years for each diagnostic group in the three study areas during 1963–83 and 1984–90 .
17 The UK Labour Party has issued a five-point plan for tackling the growth of cases of asthma .
18 in Kings North Trust Ltd. v. Bell [ 1986 ] 1 W.L.R. 119 , 123 , as ‘ clear law ’ or with the line of cases from Turnbull & Co. v. Duval [ 1902 ] A.C. 429 to Shears and Sons Ltd. v. Jones , 128 L.T. 218 .
19 Table III shows the proportions of cases of alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver disease recorded .
20 The number of cases for discipline decrease but there is still the occasional case of antenuptial fornication up to the closure of the book in 1916 .
21 When the price of graphite fell in 1900 and the mines closed they returned to their villages ; one result was an increase in the number of cases of cattle stealing in the Western and Southern Provinces of fifty-six per cent over 1899 .
22 Dr Wolff compared the number of cases of leukaemia and lymphoma with car ownership statistics in 22 countries during the period 1984=88 .
23 Perhaps our common reason is not any prediction about the number of cases of injustice that the checkerboard strategy would produce or prevent , but our conviction that no one should actively engage in producing what he believes to be injustice .
24 However , sexual abuse of children clearly differs in nature from physical abuse : the perpetrators are mostly male , the victims mostly female , ( although the number of cases of boys being abused in this way is growing ) , and understanding the origins of such abuse must lie within an understanding of sexuality and the distribution of power within our society .
25 A full explanation of the facts allows them to make a fully informed decision about their surgery ; this might reduce the number of cases of litigation arising from misunderstandings about the purpose and nature of any planned treatment .
26 first @ : the name and address second @ : the title and surname third @ : the number of cases of bottles
27 In the early seventies , the Swedes , worried by the startling increase in the number of cases of gonorrhoea , launched a health education campaign featuring a ‘ flying condom ’ which could be seen on all the best hoardings , exhorting the general public to use a protective in all acts of sexual intercourse .
28 Having followed the decline in the number of cases of gonorrhoea into the middle fifties , syphilis , in contrast , has remained at a comparatively low level ever since .
29 We looked at the total incidence of gonorrhoea ; the number of cases of gonorrhoea found in men overall and in homosexual men ; the male to female ratio of cases of gonorrhoea ; and the number of new cases of HIV infection diagnosed in homosexual men ( table ) .
30 The latest flu epidemic could be followed by an upsurge in the number of cases of meningitis .
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