Example sentences of "the [noun] of life on earth " in BNC.

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1 By far the majority of life on Earth , indeed , is underpinned by plants , which have evolved the trick of tapping solar power by photosynthesis ; or at least , have borrowed that trick from bacteria .
2 Virus F/x-01–74482 , soon referred to as , simply , the Mahon virus was , as far as she could understand , a unique example of something that up till now had only been postulated : that deep in the ocean , under the terrific pressure and in temperatures approaching absolute zero , there had remained chains of biochemicals , primitive viruses that had been part of the great ‘ organic soup ’ at the creation of life , remaining unchanged as the rest of the primordial swamp had undergone the long evolutionary journey to form all the complexities of life on earth .
3 For , if man is to continue to nourish that vital part of human civilisation , which is the control over the future of life on earth , it is necessary that his definition of morality , good social behaviour , and understanding of right and wrong uses the evidence to be found within the evolutionary story and which he can then enshrine in a viable ‘ god ’ .
4 The ultimate outcome of this is , that without any exception whatsoever and despite all so-called ‘ revelation ’ , all religious writings have been produced entirely by man himself countless millenniums after the advent of life on earth .
5 Spiritual things are , therefore , the intangible products of the human mind , and are necessarily of human origin , that is , they have their origins in the period of evolution which started with the advent of life on earth .
6 The origin of life on Earth
7 There has been a greater emphasis on cosmic perspectives generally — such as the ‘ panspermia ’ theory ( the notion that the ‘ seeds ’ of organic life drifted to Earth from outer space ) — to explain both the origin of life on Earth and the frequent recurrence of plagues and viruses which have taken their toll of life in the past .
8 Studying the fossil record enables us to show what must have happened , but , as Stephen J. Gould has been the most recent to argue , were we to be able to wind the clock of evolution backwards towards the origin of life on earth , and then run it forward once more , quite different outcomes would most likely have occurred ; not only would there probably have been no humans , but perhaps not even any brains .
9 Our question was , how much luck are we allowed to assume in a theory of the origin of life on Earth ?
10 Therefore , these meteorites are believed to contain clues about the origin of life on Earth .
11 The five leaflets published so far cover the problem of global warming , biological diversity — saving the wealth of life on earth ; Britain 's threatened countryside ; safeguarding our seas ; and protecting Britain 's wildlife .
12 When in 1859 Charles Darwin published The Origins of Species , he had no intention of implying that random mutation of genes and natural selection could account for the emergence of life on earth ; but it was inevitable that some of his followers would try to project his hypothesis backwards , and speculate that life might somehow have been generated spontaneously in gaseous , primeval slime .
13 the hypothesis may seem to give a palatable explanation of the emergence of life on Earth , but it merely pushes the problem one stage back : how did life originate on the planet of these putative alien space travellers ?
14 Five Kingdoms : An Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth by Lyn Margulis and Karlene Schwartz gives .
15 A worshipable God must belong to the period of life on earth and be acknowledged to be non-existent before then .
16 Minute as these quantities are , they constitute tangible evidence of the types of organic materials that existed in the Solar System more than 1000 million years before the appearance of life on Earth , the earliest traces of which are found in rocks about 3.4 x 109 years old .
17 Without those different values , without that recognition of intrinsic value , without a different approach to an interpretation of stewardship , without a truly spiritual understanding of our relationship with the rest of life on Earth , both the Environment Movement and the Animal Welfare Movement are , in my opinion , condemned to irrelevance .
18 There is a real danger that the sheer scope of the Darwin industry will encourage us to forget that other people were thinking about organic origins at the time , but were exploring very different ways of trying to understand the development of life on earth .
19 The new discoveries not only provided more detailed evidence for the development of life on earth , but also highlighted the exotic nature of the earth 's earlier inhabitants .
20 This is the period in the long history of the evolution of man and his God , which started with the beginning of life on earth , and ended with the dawning of civilisation .
21 Many would also say that real life is only possible when one has accepted the finiteness of life on earth as something that God uses to draw people into a closer union with himself .
22 Considered against the proud advances made in the arts and sciences whereby humanity improves the quality of life on earth , the conclusion must be that this is a shameful situation .
23 Through the Earthwatch expedition I hope to benefit greatly by assisting to improve the quality of life on earth and especially the life of the poverty-stricken people of my continent , whose lot in life is always disease , environmental degradation and poor living standards .
24 All speculation or philosophising about the nature and existence of a ‘ god ’ , before the arrival of life on earth is futile .
25 And since the image of life on earth has been virtually redrawn as a result of the rapidly developing science of molecular biology , how can anyone fail to mention Crick , Monod , Bragg or Delbruck ; and since the picture of the human mind has to be radically reconstrued following the work of von Neumann , Turing , Shannon and Wiener , it is hard to understand how none of these people received a mention .
26 She earlier proclaimed that last October would be the end of life on earth .
27 ( d ) The reverse of the above , so that it is the children who are marooned on the alien planet , the teacher who is the alien offering them passage back to earth providing the children can explain the way of life on earth .
28 THE FOSSIL RECORD shows that throughout the history of life on Earth the groups of animals that were dominant in any one age were often replaced wholesale in the next age by others animal of a quite different group ; and biologists have sometimes argued that such replacements occur because of direct competition between the old dominant type and the new .
29 The algae are among the simplest of plants and appeared very early in the history of life on Earth .
30 Biogeography was the principal source of Darwin 's theory of evolution , but to most of his contemporaries it seemed obvious that the starting point for any investigation of the history of life on earth must be the fossil record .
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