Example sentences of "the [noun] sit [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Mickey Aronson shouted as the President sat in behind the wheel .
2 The priest sat down on the bench next to him .
3 He fumbled with the microphone while the girl sat down at the rear , the bag in her lap .
4 You got a very good committee , dedicated committee erm who , you see the young trainees were sent to the technical colleges and you see , erm some of them did go on if they graduated to Stanford Hall , but I mean those that went to technical college , we used to have to get the committee to sit in at the examinations .
5 The cat sat up in the branches , and it yowled plaintively .
6 While all this went on , the parents sat around on the school 's battered garden furniture , the mothers watching each other warily , the fathers armoured in a remote mildness that Robert recognized from his own parent .
7 If we were gon na say , right , this only is gon na apply to mega- projects , tt and therefore it would be appropriate for the project coordinator to be the person to sit down at the start of the job , when he 's agreeing the remit with the client , when he 's developing the erm tt er who 's doing what within the functions .
8 The Marshal sat down in the gloom at the plush-covered table and faced the tearful woman across a bowl of plastic fruit .
9 The Captain sat down in the Brigadier 's chair where the girl 's effects were neatly folded and labelled .
10 The dog sat down on the footpath and scratched his head .
11 So when the Trunchbull sat down on the Golden Syrup , the squelch was beautiful .
12 The man sat down at the table and Marcus put water in the kettle .
13 The friar sat down on the sanctuary steps and stared into his fat , cheery face .
14 Freddie the Nark sat back in the cab , feeling very pleased with himself for the way he had handled such a tricky situation .
15 At 9 p.m. the women sat down in the common room and said they were n't going to bed until the heating was fixed .
16 In the dingy back room , the tom sat down on the ramshackle chair .
17 That night the adults sat round in the front room , among the Christmas lilies and gladioli in the last of the evening sun and talked after supper .
18 But the family sat on with the inertia of those who have travelled a long way and are reluctant to face the effort of arrival .
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