Example sentences of "the [noun] before it [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was flown for six years by the Canadians before it was sold as surplus in late 1947 by the War Assets Corporation .
2 Mr de Klerk telephoned Mrs Thatcher at the Conservative conference in Blackpool to tell her of the decision before it was announced in South Africa .
3 It marked the end of the long process of transformations — starting with the seething leaves of the plant , then the reeking green stage of the first steepings , and the sulphurous yellow stage of the liquor before it was exposed to the air , then binding with the air , it gradually turned to blue .
4 If the acquirer 's solicitors are to prepare the agreement , it is very important that they are fully informed as to the acquirer 's aims and concerns about the acquisition and its assessment of its bargaining position and that they discuss the draft with the acquirer before it is released to the seller .
5 Basic interfaces will provide the driver software on cassette which must be loaded into the Spectrum before it is used while the more sophisticated offerings contain all the necessary software in ROM inside the interface itself .
6 The effluent from Belmont is treated by a sewage works which does not have the necessary filtering equipment to remove the chemical before it is discharged into a nearby river .
7 8 Make a final check on the photograph before it is taken to ensure that it will do its job .
8 The natural order has been disturbed and the price must be paid by the parent before it is re-instated .
9 Neddy Fawcett , who was farming at West Birk Hatt in the days before it was flooded when the new reservoir opened , was very good with mechanical things and used to come over and try to make it start .
10 We explored the intricate channels of the Sound of Harris ( in the days before it was buoyed ) , and poked our bows under the awful cliffs of Mingulay near Barra Head , where a thousand seabirds clamour and the sun is shut out at noon .
11 , Emma ( 1838–1912 ) , evangelist , philanthropist , and manager of the Old Vic in the years before it was taken over by her niece Lilian Baylis [ q.v. ] , was born in London into a lower middle-class Anglo-German family .
12 It may be necessary to restructure the business before it is acquired ; the tax liabilities involved need to be assessed , and the position of management protected as far as possible .
13 Sam is summoned by a friend in the Police Department to see the body before it is taken away .
14 His hair was white , as my daughters reported when they went to view the body before it was given to the Odonata .
15 There must , therefore , have been another meaning of the parable before it was developed into an allegory .
16 The villagers had laid Father Reynard out on the table and an old woman , tears streaming down her face , was gently bathing the corpse before it was sheeted for burial .
17 A compromise proposed by the state would force the farmers to carve artificial marshlands from their fields to serve as natural filters , cleansing the water before it is sent southward .
18 The creature was sketched and the drawing witnessed by all the crew before it was decapitated .
19 is that that the consultation is a problem the legislation which takes away the requirement for several developments to promote valuable time and be advertised prior to the application so the first most people knew about this application was after this this opportunity prior to that to discuss it with the development before it was submitted .
20 The day before it was revealed that Cammell Laird is to close with the loss of 900 jobs , virtually banging the final nail into Merseyside 's unemployment coffin .
21 ‘ Yeah , they send me the stuff before it 's published and I try to proof read it as well as I can .
22 The cause of recovering Greenham Common for the people has been taken up by the author of Watership Down , Mr Richard Adams , who knew the area before it was requisitioned during the second world war .
23 This enhances the moral duty for archaeologists to rescue as much information as possible about the past before it is destroyed .
24 It was five races into the championship before it was discovered Jonny had been driving with a broken chassis , which made it impossible to get his car to handle properly .
25 In reality , neither Maastricht nor the Treaties before it were restricted in their impact to economic matters .
26 More important , if the trade unions negotiate important concessions with the board , the Secretary of State for Scotland and the Minister himself , will they be incorporated into the legislation before it is enacted , or will the meetings be a complete waste of time ?
27 The MNOD interpretation is displayed as a standard musical score so that the user can correct any errors that may have crept into the interpretation before it is written as standard MIDI information .
28 Your consent is required before we can apply for a report and you may see the report before it is returned to us .
29 Your consent is required before we apply for a report and you may see the report before it is returned to us .
30 Whether the ball was over the line before it was crossed by the Newcastle inside-right , Richardson , remained a matter for argument for years after .
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