Example sentences of "the [noun] be believed to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The pennants date from 1974 , while the chains are believed to be five years older .
2 Seen to be an ‘ effect ’ of the Universal or Unified Field , it is able to transmit energy patterns from one natural source to another and give rise to a physical formation of those patterns — in other words , the field is believed to be the agent for creation , growth and development throughout nature .
3 The proposals were believed to be ‘ an attempt to cash limit a demand led service which will damage the doctor/patient relationship and be detrimental to patient care . ’
4 The settlement is believed to be the largest compensation payment the BBC has ever made , topping the £75,000 paid in April 1982 to Dr Sydney Gee , who ran a Harley Street slimming clinic .
5 The Harthover Place of the story is believed to be Malham Tarn House in the limestone country of Craven .
6 The variability is believed to be caused by a combination of changes in the rate of renewal and changes in the properties of the water from which LSW is formed .
7 And at 5 ft 3 inches long , the car is believed to be the biggest sculpture of its kind in the world .
8 The alternative was believed to be another Great Crash.The maxim ‘ Waste not , want not , ’ became obsolete too ; ‘ waste not , work not ’ was the new fear .
9 Dialectology in its traditional form is therefore principally interested in geographical differences ; its best-known data-gathering technique has been to send researchers ( usually called ‘ field-workers ’ ) mainly into rural areas ( where the speakers were believed to be less likely to have been influenced by other accents ) , to find elderly speakers ( whose speech was believed to have been less influenced by other accents and to preserve older forms of the dialect ) and to use lists of questions to find information about vocabulary and pronunciation , the questions being chosen to concentrate on items known to vary a lot from region to region .
10 The costs to the motorist are believed to be broadly similar to those for a car phone , with a sliding scale of charges based on the level and frequency of use .
11 The companies are believed to be looking at ways to have it support Windows applications as well , but the paper was told that that problem has not yet been solved .
12 The writer of the Psalms was believed to be King David .
13 Another of the casualties was believed to be a boy of nine .
14 Workers should first seek to persuade a child , warn him or her of possible restraint , and use such methods only when the child is believed to be at risk of harming him or herself , others , or damaging property .
15 The short session on the mid-tide paid dividends for the fish is believed to be a rough ground record for the south west .
16 The designation of smog alert levels of pollution above which the health of sensitive members ( e.g. asthmatics ) and/or all members of the community are believed to be threatened .
17 The population is believed to be similar to Darlington 's and there is a technical college devoted to metal work .
18 The specimen is believed to be a rough ground record for the south west .
19 The banks are believed to be reaching the point where their capital will fall below the minimum required under rules imposed by the Bank for International Settlements .
20 The banks are believed to be pressing for yet another rights issue of new shares at the company .
21 Subsequent writers , however , have copied Patrick Forbes 's work without checking for themselves , and the misleading myth has evolved in which the first thousand litres of the cuvée is believed to be officially designated the premiere cuvée .
22 By Sept. 20 six had been arrested , including deputy speaker Ilijaz Ramajli ; of the remainder , it was reported on Sept. 24 that one had committed suicide , and that the rest were believed to be in hiding outside Kosovo .
23 The explosion was believed to be a protest by Moslem extremists against the novel The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie , published in the United Kingdom [ see pp. 36450-51 ] .
24 The name is believed to be derived from a personal name Sighel or Signup , and the second part from the thorn bushes which grew in abundance at the time , and dates possibly from the 7th century .
25 Lawyers said the action for disclosure of the name was believed to be the first of its kind in Britain .
26 The reshuffle was believed to be a delayed reaction to the events of mid-1989 , with promotions being secured by those who played a role in the military crackdown on student demonstrators .
27 The cluster is believed to be 11.6kpc away , at galactic latitude b=+9.7° , and its distance above the galactic plane is about 2kpc .
28 The distance of the cluster is believed to be over 9000 light-years ; it contains several thousands of stars , and it can not be less than 30 light-years in diameter .
29 The offer is believed to be worth well over £1 million , though the Midlands club will face competition from big Premier League clubs .
30 The Government is believed to be willing to accept the recommendation .
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