Example sentences of "the [noun] [adv] before it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 According to the crew of a USAF storm-tracking WC-130 Hercules which penetrated the eye of the hurricane just before it struck Homestead , peak wind speed was 170 knots and pressure dropped to 993 millibars .
2 We pioneered the technique well before it became used on so large a scale by giants like American Express and Reader 's Digest .
3 And it ripped about a quarter of the roof off before it finished and the slates but er still good .
4 Buzz was out of the car almost before it rolled to a halt on the gravel forecourt .
5 Eventually Duncan had managed to slew the aircraft round before it settled on all wheels on the runway .
6 When I read in my newspaper that Spurn Head could well tumble into the sea at any moment , given a sufficiently powerful gale , I felt I must visit the place quickly before it did so , before great waves breached its narrowness and destroyed it — yet again .
7 G&G spent a good part of a decade — the Seventies — getting drunk , the memory of which still prompts a wistful smile from Gilbert , and they were habitués of the Blitz even before it became the early-Eighties club .
8 He had wondered how the KGB would react to the Reznichenko Memorandum ; now he saw they must have been analysing the pattern long before it had occurred to him .
9 Turn left off the road just before it reaches the next beck .
10 That was the priority now ; to set the vision down before it slipped away !
11 Then he looked up at the sky , and saw the plane just before it went behind a cloud on its way to Port au Prince airport .
12 The other alternatives were to shoot the plane down before it landed or blow it up on the ground at Teheran airport when all the Imam 's followers had come forward to welcome him .
13 A rattling commotion alerted me to the patrol well before it reached the alley .
14 The only time it wo n't fall over you is when it 's full of clothes , but the problem is opening the door and getting the clothes in before it falls on you .
15 He saw Richmann 's clubbing motion with the gun almost before it happened , and a voice from the past called for him to run .
16 Luckily they were near the B-H-S store and put the fire out before it had a chance to catch hold .
17 Sue fell in love with the house long before it came on the market .
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