Example sentences of "dipped [pos pn] fingers [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Instinctively , I dipped my fingers in the holy water and crossed myself , remembering the Catholic aunt in South Armagh who 'd raised me for a while as a child and had anguished over my black little Protestant soul .
2 Throughout the evening of 26 May this year , the two dipped their fingers in the oil ten times , each time reducing it to a spot or two .
3 He reached beneath the saddle and dipped his fingers in the shelf of scented unguents , then began to smear them delicately about the tiny hole , pushing inward , the unguents working their magic spell , making the muscles relax .
4 Instinctively he dipped his fingers in the holy water , a kind of regression to childhood , and went and sat on the end of a bench beside two nuns and waited his turn .
5 An enamel pot arrived and we dipped our fingers in the sweet , gelatinous stuff .
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