Example sentences of "spread all [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By the late eleventh century the hand of Cluny was felt in houses spread all over the north of Spain and down into Italy , even to La Cava near Naples and over into Sicily , and also across the south and west of Germany in the movement which had its centre in Hirsau .
2 The visible stars appear spread all over the night sky , but are particularly concentrated in one band , which we call the Milky Way .
3 All about Keswick he had noticed gangs of men building the giant reaches of drystone walls enclosing even the highest fell-land , the better to take advantage of grain prices in the war ; gangs of men working the woods , as charcoal-burners , swill-makers , coppice-workers , plain woodmen ; and , as here , men in the high mines — men spread all over the landscape , bondmen of industry , all living out near their workplace , turf huts and teepees scattered abroad , excluded from society throughout the week of their work and let into its comforts and pleasure only for a brief Saturday night escape .
4 Geographically , operators can be found spread all over the globe , but the so-called Third World , especially the Caribbean and Alaska are the prime areas of the activity .
5 ‘ In the space of two years , we moved from a domestic merchant bank with 500 people , all of whom knew each other very well , to an organisation with nearly 3,000 people spread all over the world , ’ says Mr Reed .
6 He provided the link between the School and its past pupils , for he was the Membership Secretary of the Old Stopfordians ' Association , no easy task , with members spread all over the world .
7 He looked down at the scatter of handwritten pages spread all over the table , and tensed his body as though anticipating a blow .
8 There is paper everywhere , some spread all around the office in every conceivable place and untidily on the few shelves available .
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