Example sentences of "late nineteenth century [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Worst of all was the horrifying anti-semitism which was fashioned as a vital support for Great Russian chauvinism ; the Jews , long discriminated against — to the tune of 650 legal restrictions on their activities — were used in the great pogroms of the late nineteenth century as the butt of national policy .
2 However , space and time barriers also crumbled in the late nineteenth century through the electric telegraph and the early telephone and radio ; moreover the cinema film also featured easy transportability , while its scale economies quickly led to early single nation dominance ( by France ) .
3 Thus , while it is possible to identify liberal catholicism in Ireland from the late nineteenth century to the present , and though there has grown up a climate of liberal dissent and criticism of conservative catholicism , it is still possible to assert the prominence of conservative catholicism , particularly in its alliance with nationalism .
4 These questions have preoccupied fine minds for centuries , with interest intensifying from the late nineteenth century to the present day .
5 The pro-birth control movement had begun in the late nineteenth century with the formation of the Malthusian League and the trial and work of Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh , events which encouraged the dissemination of knowledge about birth-control techniques .
6 The Intermediate region was transformed in the late nineteenth century by the establishment of plantations .
7 The cautious , inward-looking merchant ethos , encouraged by the legal distinctions of the merchant estate , was reinforced in the late nineteenth century by the influx of culturally conservative peasants .
8 The Red Pied Swedish ( RSB ) had originated in the late nineteenth century from the use of Ayrshire and Shorthorn bulls from Britain on local Herrgård and Småland cows ; Ayrshires had been imported from Scotland from 1847 to 1907 and a Swedish Ayrshire cattle association was formed in 1899 .
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