Example sentences of "past few [noun pl] [pers pn] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 For the past few hours she had been too busy to think of her own problem .
2 Over the past few months we 've been advising you to take all the hype about the death of the 386 with a generous pinch of salt .
3 Over the past few months they have been told that their primary and community health care is awful ; now the government tells them that accident and emergency departments will shut , along with 2000-odd hospital beds , when their immediate evidence is that it is hard to get into hospital .
4 For the past few months it 's been more or less constantly at the limit — the £300,000 cheque put it unacceptably over . "
5 I guess that in referring to that issue in the past few weeks we have been guilty of understating the size of the problem .
6 Over the past few weeks they 'd been rubbing along fairly civilly , though not without the occasional spark flying between them .
7 Over the past few weeks I have been dipping into the annual report — for last year — of the Medical Defence Union , an outfit that deals with legal claims against doctors for alleged incompetence , negligence and other failings .
8 OVER the past few weeks I have been attempting to assess the relative marketing merits of companies as diverse as theatre companies , electrical retailers and peat producers .
9 During the past few years we have been almost suffocated under a pile of reminiscences .
10 Over the past few years we have been working on such an account , and in this paper we focus on the implications of this account for a central tenet of the mental models approach : that the mental model of the text so far provides ( part of the context for the interpretation of the current sentence or clause .
11 In the past few years I have been involved in a Seminar for senior administrators from the Third World studying at British Universities A group of 25 or 30 is gathered each year at Plockton in Wester Ross by the British Council , the ODA and the Highland Board .
12 During the past few years I have been fortunate enough to have a couple of RAF students each summer from the Royal Military College of Science at Shrivenham .
13 In the past few years I have been amazed at the transformation of the zoo , to a very modern , progressive and caring institution .
14 During the past few years she has been forced to endure : — A break-in at her home and the loss of £5,500 ; — A series of raids on her office which eventually prompted the company to move elsewhere in the town ; — Drunks breaking into the company headquarters to sleep off their drinking binges ; — Car theft and vehicle damage .
15 For the past few years he has been joined in aspects of his research and conservation work by Dr Jane O'Sullivan , an agricultural scientist with an interest in the relationship between humanity and the natural world .
16 ‘ Over the past few years it 's been your petal frilly or your heart-shaped frilly .
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