Example sentences of "result in an [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Such freedom , however , often results in an overloading of the student 's timetable .
2 Conversely , a balance of payments surplus involves a net inflow of currency , and unless offset by a contractionary open-market operation , this will result in an expansion of the money supply .
3 Learning to spell may well depend upon an ability to use phonological decoding strategies during reading , for the skilled use of the GPC rules will result in an awareness of the relationships between spelling and sound .
4 Although the liquidators did not have to release the transcripts , this could result in an injustice to the defendants in the criminal proceedings .
5 In the short term , nitrogenous fertilizers , by increasing grasses and clovers , can result in an increase in the earthworm population , but continuous use of superphosphate or Nitro-chalk over a long period has been shown , in trials at Rothamstead , to reduce numbers in proportion to the amount of nitrogen applied .
6 Furthermore , a higher level of demand will probably result in an increase in the value of imports , implying that the balance of payments objective may also conflict with the employment objective .
7 He pointed out the ban could result in an increase in the number of cheap cigarettes to arrive in Britain from the EC .
8 The petition was successful in aborting Chamberlen 's scheme ; however , it did not result in an improvement of the ecclesiastical licensing system , as the midwives had hoped .
9 The development of a single European labour market must result in an improvement in the living and working conditions of workers within the EC " .
10 ( It 's worth remembering that Unix Labs has maintained from the beginning that COSE would eventually result in an agreement on the kernel , namely System V.4 or its descendent .
11 ( It 's worth remembering that Unix System Labs has maintained from the beginning that COSE would eventually result in an agreement on the kernel , namely SVR4 or its descendent ( UX No 430 ) ) .
12 This approach will not only result in an appreciation of the literary merits , but also foster an understanding of stagecraft .
13 Lord Atkin laid down the narrow rule in Donoghue v Stevenson [ 1932 ] AC 562 : A manufacturer of products , which he sells in such a form as to show that he intends them to reach the ultimate consumer in the form in which they left him with no reasonable possibility of intermediate examination , and with the knowledge that the absence of reasonable care in the preparation or putting up of the products will result in an injury to the consumer 's life or property , owes a duty to the consumer to take reasonable care .
14 There are indications that certain complex carbohydrates such as fibre are converted to H 2 more slowly and less completely than lactulose resulting in an underestimation of the amount entering the colon .
15 There must have been an increase in the number of different kinds of animals and plants since the Precambrian ; for example , the conquering of land alone gave rise to a multitude of new opportunities for the colonizing organisms , resulting in an increase in the total number of species .
16 The Keynesians argue that money is a close substitute for financial assets , so they see an increase in the money supply resulting in an increase in the price of financial assets and a fall in the yield received .
17 Figures released at the end of year showed a fall in hotel occupation of 18.1 per cent and in revenue of 8.5 per cent , resulting in an increase in the current-account deficit from 2.9 per cent of GDP in 1989 to 3.3 per cent in 1990 ( instead of the targeted reduction of 2.5 per cent ) .
18 The molecules are initially in highly coiled shapes but application of a force causes rotation about the chain bonds resulting in an elongation of the molecules in the direction of the stress .
19 The reasons given for rejecting this paper are that the brain may compensate for poor hearing by enhancing hearing in the treated ear , resulting in an overestimate of the likely effects of treating both ears .
20 Due to the plight of the Scandinavian economy , the bubble has burst but scholarly attention is now being focused on his work , resulting in an exhibition at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum , Boston ( 5 May to 22 August ) .
21 Talks subsequently took place in Pristina on Oct. 29 between Serbian and Albanian leaders , Panic , Vance and Owen , resulting in an agreement on the return of Albanian children to classes held in the Albanian language and a minimum agreement on lifting discriminatory laws .
22 It is the result of examination at the surface or literal level — attention to the immediately observed features without any depth of cognitive treatment — resulting in an understanding of the general nature of the material .
23 The creation of a currency union by encouraging a shift of resources back to the manufacturing sectors is likely to result in an increase of the average productivity growth rate of member countries and , again , in a decline of their respective natural rates of unemployment .
24 Also , because smoking tends to be associated with a lower body mass index , our inability to adjust for any confounding due to body weight will have tended to result in an underestimation of the effect of smoking .
25 ‘ Curiously enough the reduction in low level concentrations of sulphur dioxide , resulted in an increase in the frequency of detections and complaints about fish smells because the acidic gases had been reacting with and neutralising the smell of the amines ’ .
26 A disagreement between the high priest and the royal supervisor of the Temple under Seleucus IV about 180 resulted in an inspection by the Visir Heliodorus , another personality well known from other evidence ( OGIS 247 ) .
27 Pretreatment of human colon adenocarcinoma derived HT-29 cells with DMJ resulted in an expression of the 105 kD β 1 precursor chain and of smaller forms of the α 1 , α 3 , α 6 , and α v integrin subunits in a time and dose dependent manner .
28 This of course resulted in an addition to the existing contract !
29 This decline in the proportion living in privately rented accommodation also resulted in an improvement in the living conditions of the poorest section of the community — though it made the housing situation of some groups even more difficult as the pool of the cheapest and poorest accommodation shrank .
30 Cheney 's visit also resulted in an agreement on the continued joint development of the " Arrow " anti-tactical ballistic missile project .
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