Example sentences of "apart from [art] [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was no one about apart from a couple of youths stoning the seagulls with empty beer bottles .
2 Here , however , she was alone apart from a couple of men seated on stools next to the bar , and a yellow Labrador slumbering at their feet .
3 The tower was converted to a house around the turn of the century and has been lived in ever since apart from a couple of years when architects used it as offices .
4 The dining room was empty apart from a couple of staff members who were laying tables for breakfast .
5 I own a 1984 Hi Capacity Pick Up which , on the whole , I am extremely pleased with apart from a couple of area- .
6 I must admit I do not seem to know them as I used to years ago , apart from a couple of detectives who come into the shop .
7 she ate all of that apart from a couple of spoonfuls
8 On my return to London I tried to find out about the Ober Gabelhorn but there was little information readily available , apart from a couple of references to it as one of the great alpine peaks .
9 Beds , bedding and linen formed the largest single item ; clothing , pots and pans ( some of them pewter ) and kitchen stun made up most of the remainder , and apart from a couple of coffers , a table board , two ‘ chairstools ’ and a few small boards and forms , totalling 7s. , the house was almost bare of furnishings .
10 What all the " finishing " processes had in common , apart from a degree of exertion greater than was needed for hand-setting but not necessarily greater than could be expected from a normal young woman , was that these were tasks an apprentice learned only towards the end of his time .
11 ‘ So , ’ he was saying , ‘ no interruptions today apart from a refill of coffee now and then .
12 ‘ I 'm here to see Mr Gajdusek , ’ she added , but , apart from a flicker of recognition at the Gajdusek name , there was little other response either .
13 Before that I was Henry VIII — it was great , apart from a bit of aggro with the wives .
14 Apart from a bit of woodworm , the beam seemed solid enough , but the panel rang hollow .
15 ‘ The only little luxury I allow myself , Myles , apart from a nip of brandy during the cold winter nights . ’
16 But apart from a supply of talent , Geldart also needs hard cash .
17 Apart from a disregard of £5 , a partner 's earnings are deducted pound for pound from a claimant 's income support entitlement .
18 The whole world apart from a handful of Maoris know it as New Zealand … are you trying to con a few subscriptions from them ?
19 Apart from a handful of friends that were his own age , like Nicholas Soames and Lord Romsey — who were still fourteen or fifteen years Diana 's senior — most of the people Charles enjoyed seeing were older , with the result that Diana frequently found she was socializing with her father 's , or even grandfather 's , generation .
20 Cranmer played no rugby after the war , and apart from a handful of matches during his two months in India he played no cricket during the hostilities .
21 One of the problems which arose from Friedman 's definition of the natural unemployment rate was that , apart from a list of qualifications mostly of a microeconomic nature , it appeared to possess characteristics which were usually associated with an economy in overall full employment .
22 Apart from a spot of camera shake . ’
23 Apart from a glass of lager at dinner she had been drinking only fruit juices , while Rune 's own consumption of lager had been only moderate , not enough to have much effect on a man of such highly tuned physique , she comforted herself .
25 His clothes looked undisturbed , if a little rumpled , apart from a sort of embossing of vomit on the front breast pocket of his blue silk shirt .
26 Thus the silk industry of Valencia , frequently noted by travellers as one of the most promising features of the economy , apart from a period of prosperity between 1835 and 1852 , remained relatively stagnant throughout the nineteenth century ; in the late eighteenth century a technically advanced industry , in the nineteenth it could not keep pace with Lyons .
27 Yet back at Pig Street the diminished family-Charles himself , Elizabeth , Sarah , Mary and young Ben — had plenty to occupy themselves with , apart from a period of mourning and an attempt to keep warm .
28 The building itself had changed little , apart from a lick of paint here and there ; it still reminded Donna of a huge terraced house .
29 Gilligan sees this as a morality of responsibility that stands apart from the morality of rights underlying Kohlberg 's conception .
30 Apart from the accumulation of material in this manner the study of early Anglo-Saxon archaeology progressed little .
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