Example sentences of "wonder [subord] [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She was beginning to wonder if she 'd misread it — got the time all wrong .
2 David and I were wondering if we could take you out for a spot of lunch .
3 But she had qualms about encountering the royal family , wondering if they would see her , not as Anne Mowbray , but as a stranger .
4 Dad paid over the four shillings and while he was entering it up in the book said , ‘ Mr Priest , I was wondering if yer could give me permission to build a small wooden shed facing the house ? ’
5 She would kill him later , but for the present , she was thinking of Sycorax , who had instructed her in love , and wondering if it would please her that here she was , filling a man with desire just as Sycorax had always said she should .
6 Vi was remembering that today was her birthday and there was the ten-shilling note in her money belt and wondering if she should ask them if they would like to see the film in Craigiebur .
7 Gripping the bannister , she looked down into the hall and saw him standing with his back to the door , looking about him as though wondering if he would find her there .
8 She held her breath , wondering if he would defy her , and for a long moment their eyes locked in battle .
9 He 's wondering if he can kiss me , she thought .
10 So we were wondering if you would send us some addresses of skateboard companies that might sponsor us , eg Powell , Santa Cruz or someone .
11 and I was wondering if you could tell us a bit more about these Homework how they fit the M F I the plan of shopping
12 In fact I was wondering if you could give me a hand . ’
13 ‘ I was wondering if you could give me Angy 's address ? ’ she said casually .
14 I was wondering if you could spare me an hour . ’
15 I was wondering if you could board them .
16 I was wondering if you could help me ?
17 I was wondering if I could take it tonight ?
18 I 'm wondering if I should ring them actually , from unit , and ask them if tell them what 's happening and will she be able to go on Income Support if she does give it up ?
19 Yeah together and I 'm wondering whether we could put them in together if we wanted a sixteen .
20 And that is why I am wondering whether you would favour me with a game of chess before retiring to your boudoir ? ’
21 ‘ It 's nothing , ’ said Owen , wondering whether he should follow her .
22 I looked at Iris , wondering whether she could hear it .
23 ‘ I did wonder if you 'd like me to send cards to your parents and Rufus 's from Athens .
24 I wonder if they 'll give me one on my back while I 'm there ?
25 I wonder if they 'll give us them , you know .
26 Wonder if they 'll get him ? ’
27 Aye , cos we even had people where , where , where the placard you see , people 'll say oh that house , I wonder if they 'll let us have a look at it now as they 're passing
28 I wonder if they would tell you of give you any
29 I wonder if they would supply us with a researcher
30 I wonder if they 'd let you do it … ?
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