Example sentences of "throw [pron] [adv] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As he breasted the deck level Delaney ducked back , threw himself aside at the sight of the figure sprawled on the ground .
2 Corbett crumpled the parchment into a ball and threw it angrily at the wall .
3 He picked up the book he was reading , and threw it violently at the rat .
4 He threw it hard at the Dodger , but missed and hit Charley Bates , who started to shout with fear .
5 If I was to give my life to this orchestra then I could not allow that someone throw me out at a moment 's notice .
6 Sweeping the debris of her engagement to some distant corner of her mind , and throwing herself trustingly at a man who , in the cold light of reality , had no time for her ?
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