Example sentences of "along with the [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Pigments such as ultramarines and chrome yellows and oranges along with the invention of paint tubes encouraged the revolution of the 19th century impressionists with their vivid , colourful canvases .
2 Along with the Daily Post Martin Ayling had inherited Hatherley , an estate of hundreds of acres of good Cotswold riding country and a house which would not have disgraced minor royalty .
3 This , along with the concerto by Shostakovich 's teacher Glazunov , was recorded live in Tel Aviv in July 1988 so there is a spate of clapping at the end .
4 Moon Vessel , a painting from 1945 , is shown along with the works on paper .
5 Eastern Europe 's opening to the Third World ( along with the influence of Cuba and Vietnam ) add credence to the view that diplomatic solutions to international difficulties can have no validity without taking into account the interests of the socialist camp .
6 In pastoral sermons , the archbishop continued to oppose civil divorce , claiming that the weak would suffer as a consequence , along with the well-being of society .
7 Then , in 1237 , at the request of a Parliament which conceded the king taxation , he was added to the king 's council along with the earl of Surrey and William de Ferrers .
8 Therefore in the USA the methods of collective bargaining associated with the heyday of competitive capitalism were outmoded and eventually destroyed along with the breaking by employers of union control of the labour process .
9 The Picasso will be the centrepiece when the museum opens ( along with the rest of Autopolis ) in October .
10 We along with the rest of Paris , found one that was open .
11 Along with the rest of Scotland 's front five — Kenny Milne , Paul Burnell , Andy Reed and Damian Cronin — Wright made sufficient impact to earn selection for the Lions ' tour of New Zealand .
12 He added that the temple of Nabushakkari at Babylon had been partially destroyed , along with the temple of Assurnasirpal II at Nimrod near Mosul , the fort of Akhissar in the desert at Karbala , the Kawaz mosque in Basra , the Mar Mata monastery and the Tahira church in Mosul .
13 Chief ranger Ken Drabble said damage in the district was considerable , with this year 's new growth destroyed along with the eggs of ground nesting birds .
14 I can hear Anya 's voice — a low secret murmur — in the kitchen , along with the hiss of steam , the tintinnabulation of a teaspoon , the scream of a biscuit packet being torn apart .
15 Contributing factors include a very dry , hot summer which helps the algae to flourish , along with the residue of pesticides from farms and effluent from factories which , although greatly improved in modern times and now controlled , have left a residue on the loch bottom which still caused problems .
16 In either case , fees would be abolished along with the principle of selection .
17 Since the new information often needs to be stated more fully than the given ( that is , with a longer , ‘ heavier ’ structure ) , it is not unexpected that an organization principle which may be called END-WEIGHT comes into operation along with the principle of end-focus .
18 Mr Hussein seems ready , at this stage , to go along with the principle of democracy .
19 Garcia , the third son , received Galicia and Portugal , along with the tribute of Badajar and Seville .
20 Along with the problems of adolescence and insanity , sex was singled out by hygienists .
21 In so far as Preobrazhensky claimed that there was a law of primitive socialist accumulation in the Soviet economy which operated along with the law of value , he denied that there could be one , single , regulator for the whole economy .
22 The final major institution was to be the Court of Justice , not to be confused with the European Court of Human Rights set up under the 1950 Convention and based in Strasbourg along with the Council of Europe .
23 Along with the clatter of clunk-clicking up and down the nation this week , there have been the usual apocryphal murmurings about the dangers of seat belts .
24 ( The page size was constant during this period , but changed , along with the frequency of issue , after that year ) .
25 ( The page size was constant during this period , but changed , along with the frequency of issue , after that year ) .
26 In the later history of Marxism , the re-education of the peasantry and workers , along with the transformation of production processes , has always been a prime instrument in the securing of revolutionary goals ( Hinton 1972 ) .
27 The presbyterian and methodist churches in Ireland , along with the Church of Ireland , welcomed the proposal .
28 These data , along with the findings from Griffiths et al .
29 Kähler 's thought , and the distinction he drew , were to find many echoes in later debate , along with the work of Schweitzer , and we shall meet these questions again .
30 In Ireland , Diarmaid , King of Dublin , made two attacks on Meath along with the King of Ossory , and , noticing that there were few Orkney ships these days in the water and no Orkney attempts at interference , decided it was time to look for some easy weapons and cattle and money , and maybe even a harbour or two .
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