Example sentences of "means [prep] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I had no means of knowing what sort of line I had kept on my cross-country stumble , but it had been NNE as near as I could make it .
2 The National Front and other crypto-fascist fringe-groups have consciously attempted to use football as a means of spreading their ideology amongst young white workers and have specifically targeted certain clubs such as West Ham and Millwall .
3 in the course of that business acquired his interest in the article or substance supplied to the customer as a means of financing its acquisition by the customer from a third person ( ‘ the effective supplier ’ ) ,
4 If for some reason you can not or choose not to attend a course , then you will have to find some means of charting your progress with the limited help made available by colleagues .
5 16.13 At secondary school , pupils should be increasingly encouraged to think critically about the texts they encounter , as a means of enlarging their understanding of the worlds of others , and in this way to examine and develop their own responses .
6 Since the early 1960s , the BBC has therefore aimed to reach a 50% share of the total audience as a means of supporting its claim to the licence fee and of ensuring its continued survival .
7 Could it be that he was aware of Van Butchell 's intentions and saw this as a means of bringing his technique to the notice of the public , being able , at the same time , to lay any charge of indecency at Van Butchell 's door , if it arose ?
8 The idea is to offer ES/9000 users a means of meeting their requirement for more capacity without having to upgrade their mainframes and pay IBM higher software licence fees .
9 Indeed , it is not unknown for lawyers ( mostly solicitors ) to decry the iniquities of the system of investigation in private , emphasising the fact that they have no means of putting their point of view .
10 Now that his consciousness was changed , how could he possibly have allowed himself to speculate about its identity , postpone the means of putting his mind at rest and then , ostrich-like , avoid the issue altogether ?
11 This team came into being to fulfil a need in the Society for a means of showing our work at the very best level ; a group of performers who practise regularly together and have the facility to form up in teams of varying number according to the need at the time .
12 Other people may keep talking at you as a means of reinforcing their relationship to you : ‘ I matter to you , so you must give me plenty of airtime . ’
13 Gloucestershire police say that they 're unlikely to prosecute the woman as they have no means of making her return to England to face charges .
14 Organisations of all kinds look to our sponsorship as a means of associating their name with enjoyment and a high standard of endeavour and of establishing their commitment to the activities of the broader community .
15 Organisations of all kinds look to sponsorship as a means of associating their name with enjoyment and excellence and of establishing their commitment to the activities of the broader community .
16 Local political elites , although originally intended to represent the interests of the central government within their area , appeared increasingly to resent their limited control over local appointment and investment decisions and were increasingly willing to employ ‘ nationalist ’ arguments as a means of increasing their leverage upon the central authorities in this connection .
17 Poverty is also a means of increasing our sensitivity towards others .
18 In the sort of conflict situation in which Benjamin Spock ( 1946 ) would suggest ‘ distracting him to something interesting but harmless ’ or ‘ give him a graceful way out ’ ( from a temper tantrum ) , or where Susan Isaacs in 1932 tells the mother ‘ not to be too ready to treat any momentary defiance as an immediate occasion for a pitched battle of wills ’ , the Evangelicals and their followers were , on the contrary , eager to seize upon such an opportunity , since their battle was with the devil himself , and the child 's spiritual salvation at stake ; distraction was the last thing they would have advised , for it was their urgent intention to rouse in the young child a vivid appreciation of his own shortcomings , as being the quickest and most effective means of subjugating his will to higher authority .
19 Deafened at the age of three months as a result of a fall from his nurse 's arms , he took full advantage of his independent means by devoting his life to the service of his fellow-deaf as an honourary missioner in his native city of Liverpool and as a licensed lay reader excelling in the conduct of religious services for the deaf .
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