Example sentences of "degree of [noun] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of using a fixed percentage , Cubbin and Leech argue that a shareholder or group of shareholders can be regarded as having control where it is likely that they would win a contested vote , but that this can be determined only by examining the degree of dispersal of shareholdings within the individual company concerned .
2 A recent paper by Norman , Quinn and Malin ( 1988 ) expresses concern as to the degree of involvement of nurses in the resource management process .
3 Convergence ( not to be confused with phyletic convergence ) refers to the degree of resemblance of faunas in different regions increasing from an earlier to a later period , and divergence refers to the reverse phenomenon ( Fig. 18. 3 ) .
4 The use of multi disciplinary teams or alternatively the degree of specialisation of sections within the Exchequer Division .
5 The degree of concentration of bones from such accumulations of prey depends on the habits of the predator more than the habits of the prey animals .
6 This has in fact occurred in the advanced capitalist countries , and one main consequence has been to limit industrial conflict primarily to economic issues , as against larger issues of the control of the enterprise , and to bring about a substantial degree of integration of workers into the existing mode of production .
7 The University will be conferring the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws on Professor Gregory next February .
8 HIS Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama , Tanzin Gyatso , is to receive an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from the University of St Andrews on 14 May at a special ceremony in the Younger Graduation Hall .
9 In 1989 he was visiting fellow of Trinity Hall , Cambridge , and in 1992 was awarded the degree of Doctor of Letters at Cambridge fro work in modern and medieval German and Celtic studies .
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