Example sentences of "regard as a [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 In effect , this occurs by what we can regard as a self-timing of the system .
2 In the event , the deal which has emerged in Taif has justified the general 's fears of what he would regard as a sell-out of the Maronite cause .
3 However , the case is significant in showing that the court did not regard as an abuse of the court 's process , a second prosecution whose principal objective was to obtain redress or a second victim .
4 The funny thing was that on the day of the theft a man who often used to come and see us , and was generally regarded as a friend of the house , had been and invited the entire family Zina , myself , and both our son and daughter somewhere miles out of town to go and have a barbecue .
5 SVQs will therefore not only be recognised within that industry but will also be regarded as a counterpart of the NVQs accredited by NCVQ in England , Wales and Northern Ireland .
6 In Latin America a second wave of nationalism , which may be regarded as a continuation of the national independence struggles against the Spanish and Portuguese empires in the early nineteenth century , has developed vigorously in the present century in opposition to American economic dominance , and has been connected more or less closely with socialist and reforming movements directed against the internal domination of these societies by an upper class composed of landowners , and more recently , of elements of a national bourgeoisie .
7 Indeed , it could be regarded as a measure of the previous work how little needs doing after the pilot .
8 Entropy can be regarded as a measure of the disorder of a system or , equivalently , as a lack of knowledge of its precise state .
9 Around 42 private traders were understood to have been executed and more than 500 detained in what observers regarded as a reflection of the country 's critical economic situation .
10 If ‘ trade or business ’ is to be regarded as a requirement of the tort there is a danger that the genus may be narrower than the species .
11 Hindu teachings allow abortion only where a pregnancy constitutes a danger to the mother 's life , Islamic law allows abortion up to as late as 120 days and under Jewish law the foetus is regarded as a subsidiary of the mother and abortion is permitted as long as a number of doctors recommend it .
12 Outside Ulster , the proposed force might be regarded as a return of the B Specials .
13 Staff meals are regarded as a part of the food cost and not recorded separately .
14 Mr Howard is a tough Right-winger , regarded as a keeper of the Thatcherite flame .
15 Mr Heseltine , who has achieved his ambition of heading an enlarged Department of Trade and Industry , has been given as a junior minister Mr Neil Hamilton ( Tatton ) , a Right-winger who is regarded as a keeper of the Thatcherite flame .
16 Gusmao had long been regarded as a symbol of the resistance to Indonesian rule in East Timor and his capture was a massive blow to Fretilin .
17 The Member States may indeed decide that the employee 's contract shall simply continue with the transferor , but they may equally decide that the employee 's refusal to transfer shall be regarded as a termination of the contract by the employer or , even , that the refusal to transfer is to be treated as a determination of the contract of by the employee ( point 36 ) .
18 The trial of his killers has been regarded as a test of the political will of the authorities to put an end to the climate of impunity prevalent in the rural areas of Brazil , where scores of peasants and their leaders have been killed by hired gunmen .
19 The strike call was made by the Congress of South African Trade Unions ( COSATU ) and was regarded as a test of the strength of the newly formed Patriotic Front [ see p. 38516 ] .
20 The detection of insider dealing has increased ( although the conviction rate is still poor ) , and this is likely to be a reflection of better channels of detection rather than any upsurge in the problem as previously it was not a criminal offence ( and in some circles was regarded as a perk of the job ) .
21 It was plain that this could not be regarded as a trust of the estate in favour of her sister , who was coheir , since the testator wanted not to dispose of his own money but on the pretext of advice to derogate from her rights by prohibiting her from making a will .
22 There is no way in which Darwin can be regarded as a parent of the science of plant ecology .
23 Unlike a probation order , which was not regarded as a sentence of the Court , a suspended sentence ranked not merely as a sentence , but as a sentence of imprisonment , with a condition attached which activated the element of custodial confinement only if another offence was committed within a stated period of not less than one year nor more than two ( originally three ) years .
24 School meals , however , were acceptable because ‘ the common meal will be regarded as a ceremony of the greatest educational value ’ ( MacDonald , 1909 , p. 151 ) .
25 For Germany , one scholar has demonstrated that ‘ both the growth and modernization of the German iron industry and to a lesser extent the engineering sector , may be regarded as a consequence of the railroad ’ .
26 At the Prague conference on unemployment , organized by the Comintern in August 1931 , he complained : The unemployed movement has been regarded as a section of the Minority Movement and there have been tendencies in the Minority Movement towards disbanding the existing unemployed movement and substituting it by a special section of the Minority Movement .
27 ( b ) Transfer of work A client is properly regarded as a client of the firm and not of the individual solicitor unless there is some personal , often family , connection between the two .
28 Two misunderstandings at least were caused by the initial use of ‘ passive resistance ’ to describe the principle f non-violent action , and both arose from the way in which the phrase was associated with the actions of the suffragettes. the first misunderstanding was that non-violent action was regarded as a weapon of the weak .
29 The policy to which we devoted years of labour must be regarded as a thing of the past .
30 A search beyond it failed to locate any continuance of Fleming 's Vein ( it was often called Thriddle V. ) and it became considered that Fleming 's was best regarded as a continuance of the Bonsor but shifted by the movement along the fault .
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