Example sentences of "depend on [conj] [pron] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Whether the increase in reported rates of sexual violence are positive or negative depends on whether they are considered to be real increases or higher rates of reporting .
2 Dado and picture rails can be tricky to remove without seriously damaging the plaster — it all depends on whether they were fixed in place before the walls were plastered or afterwards .
3 Depends on whether you 're arrested or not , does n't it , Jimmy ? ’
4 ‘ It depends on whether you 're going to stretch out your hand for happiness .
5 With school , erm , it depends on whether you 're talking about , were they 're both teachers in one school , in which case , if you understood that way , it 's the apostrophe before the s , and if you understood it , er , teachers in several schools , then you 'd have put to the apostrophe after s .
6 It was sensible , as Mrs Thatcher had , ‘ to counsel caution in the maelstrom , but it all depends on whether you 're saying that in order to guide events in a steady fashion or whether you 're using it as an alibi to do nothing .
7 Whether that is a good or bad thing probably depends on whether you are paying or receiving .
8 it all depends on whether you are giving or taking .
9 You may not get to attend client meetings , but this depends on whether you were employed as an experienced but young professional or are a new entrant who is just beginning .
10 All penalties are cumulative , but penalties for disobedience depend on whether they are incurred at one obstacle or not .
11 For example , to describe the lexicon , morphology and syntax of Javanese one would need to distinguish three levels of respect to addressees and two levels of respect to referents ( Geertz , 1960 ; Comrie , 1979b ) ; to describe the particles of a number of South American Indian languages one would need to distinguish between sentences that are central versus those that are peripheral to the telling of a story ( Longacre , 1976a ) ; to describe the third person pronouns of Tunica one would need to distinguish not only the sex of the referent , but also the sex of the addressee ( so there would be two words for " she " depending on whether one is speaking to a man or a woman ; Haas , 1964 ) , while in some Australian languages the pronouns encode the moiety or section ( kinship division ) of the referent , or the kinship relation between referents ( e.g. there are sometimes two words one of which means " you-dual of the same moiety " and another " you-dual in different moieties from each other " ; Dixon , 1980 : 2-3 ; Heath et al.
12 There are also in many languages forms reserved for authorized recipients , including restrictions on most titles of address ( Your Honour , Mr President , etc. ) ; in Tunica there were pronouns that differed not only with sex of referent , but also with the sex of the addressee , so that there were , for example , two words for " they " , depending on whether one was speaking to a man or a woman ( Haas , ibid . ) .
13 For one more example , let us compare two terms which will be familiar to many readers ; when the phrase logical theory is used , an obvious difference of meaning is involved , depending on whether we are talking about a theory which has the characteristic of being logical ( with ascriptive interpretation of the adjective ) or about a theory which is concerned with aspects of logic ( associative use ) .
14 This is n't as intimidating as it sounds ; it simply means they do two jobs , depending on whether they are rotated or pushed .
15 Models may be termed ‘ hot ’ or ‘ cold ’ depending on whether they are fitted with integral heaters .
16 In the second and third years , students follow the pattern outlined below depending on whether they are taking Media Studies as a major , joint or minor option .
17 Moreover , national conditions have quite different effects on firms , depending on whether they are seeking markets , resources or efficiency .
18 If sleep is taken at an unusual time , the changes associated with it ( the release of some hormones , the type of sleep ) will be affected to different extents depending on whether they are dominated by external factors or the body clock .
19 They may feel differently depending on whether they are viewing the service before using it , encountering it initially , actually in receipt of the service , and finally in retrospect .
20 In English , there is at least an indirect formal reflexion of the difference , in that the phrase an old friend has as its opposite either a new friend or a young friend , depending on whether it is used as a separative or an ordinary attributive adjective .
21 The date to which the period of priority extends is conveniently given on the official stamp on the certificate of search , which will be on Form 94A or 94B , depending on whether you are searching part or all of the land comprised in a title .
22 It will vary depending on whether you are coping with a small house with 8 people or an establishment with 50 . ’
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